Kits & patterns connection?


I’ve been working with all kinds of devices the last 15 years. Now with my first elektron machine it’s sometimes a bit confusing how stuff works. One of the things i’m running into is the connection between patterns and kits.

With many of my ‘old’ devices, choices of sounds and parameters are stored within the pattern. With the A4 this is different. For every pattern you choose a kit (or create one) and save this with the pattern.
I’ve created about 10 pattern now and somehow i end up creating a dedicated kit for every one of them. This way i will probably end up having 128 patterns with 128 kits.

What is the use/advantage of having kits and patterns not ‘connected’ as 1 save?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Understanding Kits, Tracks and Sounds

A quick search would show this has already been discussed a lot, please keep things tidy :thup: