Kinotone Audio Sparks analog filter/wavefolder/fuzz

Hey All-

Kinotone has an amazing new pedal up for pre-order! I’m fortunate enough to be a beta tester and can easily say that there is nothing like this out there. Stereo, multimode analog filter, analog wavefolding and fuzz all in one box with a killer LFO, Envelope, Gate and a freaking synth to boot!


Does look great this one

Yeah I’m likely going to cop one sooner or later.

Can this take a mono input and output stereo?


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Would love to hear some funky drums through it, could only find one demo of some unfunky drums so far

Pedal sounds great though!

Was running the Syntakt through it last night and it is nutso on a full mix. I’ll try and post some short phone grabs tomorrow

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I’m so bummed I missed out on the beta testing! I was checking that forum religiously for a while but just missed it. As a Ribbons owner, Sparks looks more impressive than even that pedal, which is itself a feat.

Question: I started running two shallow waters for stereo, which, admittedly, is kind of opulent, but the subtle rippling is incredibly as an always on effect. I’m daydreaming about whether I would put a Sparks before or after the SW. Do you see this equally suited at beginning or end of chain?

I’d love to use it for swells and sculpting before the muffling of the SWs’ lpg, but I’m also fond of using a slight high pass filter after SW darkens things.