Just found out you can't play polyphonic on all four tracks

You just use them to build chords. 2 oscs each with a sub osc. The sub osc can give you one octave, two octaves and a perfect fifth below the main osc.

The manual has a section about it:

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Just curious: it took you a full month to find that out? :thinking:


well, kinda, I guess I didnt notice yet, lol!
which shows how its not really a big limitation.


Polyphony is for wimps, or was it breakfast is for wimps? Or is it polyphony is for breakfast? :joy:


I see … :smiley:

Just for some inspiration:


I really enjoyed this set. Are you relying on performance macros for the effect changes or sequencing most of that stuff?

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Man, really inspiring! Drum sounds are great - any pointers there?

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this is just a4?
12 minute mark is amazing.

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7:00 minutes is right up my alley! Nice stuff…

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Yup, performance macros are in heavy use! Pretty much all parameter changes done in real-time.

I love my A4 but I’m wishing for an Analog Eight.


@dobermate: Thanks for the listen! A few are my own (vs. most of the synth sounds) but by and large I relied on a few choice third party packs (will check names and get back to you). One trick that I like to use is to create an 808 type sub with a short decay assigned to pitch to create a kick and then p-locking the length of the the amp sustain to create a bass/kick interaction on a single track.

Edit: It’s surprisingly complicate for me to identify exactly which drum sounds came from which packs but some of the collections I use are: Kimura Taro FM and Mod Drums and probably a few from Floppydisk Pirates. The other commercial libraries I own are Elektronoso Vol. 1, Escape Tones, and Next Level. Sorry if this list isn’t very helpful but I can say with certainty that Kimura Taro is a solid place to start for drum sounds…

@steve-b: This set is all A4 mki recorded in a stereo take to Live. Thanks for the kind words!

@Adam9: Thanks for a listen!!!


Long live MONO.

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Gary is excellent.


Much appreciated :blush::+1:

nice work. good macro planning and usage. i hope you keep posting more stuff.

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Thanks for the kind words, and sorry to sidetrack, but everything on my YouTube uses Elektron as the core. As a teacher by day it’s hard to keep up the work as a night crawler sometimes…

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when you live record a polyphonic sequence with all 4 voices used it’s easy to rebuild the exact same chord structure by reducing the poly voice allocation to mono and turn up the 5th setting on the sub oscillator.
