Hey guys, what music player are you using? (if it isn’t itunes) Does anyone have any reccomendations for Mac?
Preferably with an intergrated library, playlists and a darkmode/custom themes.
Used to use winamp and foobar back when I had a PC but the Mac versions are pretty basic.
Have been looking around quite a lot but can’t seem to find anything half decent
Vlc may fit your needs, it’s very versatile. Not very beautiful.
I’ve not tried it but Swinsian seems to meet all your requirements?
I’m following this too. I’m fed up with iTunes/Music losing my music and messing my library up. I admit that I have a library of 10000 albums but that’s no reason to start mucking everything up.
Yeah I use VLC from time to time. It’s good for some other stuff but feels a bit clunky having your whole library on there. Also no mac darkmode
Looking for something free preferably but will keep it on mind if I can’t find any others and if it has a dark mode. Something like this looks good though thanks for the reccomendation!
I’ve been using Swinsian for a while and it’s very stable. Version 3.0 beta supports dark mode.
Another +1 for swinsian. Well worth cost of admission, particularly if you still use classic iPods like myself.
VLC on my laptop and phone.
Wont use anything else since itunes fucked my music collection about 18 years ago. Never gain.
Clementine for me for at least the last decade; multi-platform (I use it on Linux) and generally rock solid - I’ve even used it for very basic DJing.
I have 1.5tb in my swinsian library if that helps you. It also as a decent tag editor in it.
(and your ipod classics just show up on the side like oldschool itunes)
I also don’t care for a whole bunch of eye candy, schnazzy GUIs, etc.