Isn't the Analog Four the most incredible and deep instrument from Elektron so far?

Yep, it is the same way I worked with parts on the OT where every part is a complete different setup. Kit or even projects can be saved as template to start from and then be saved as a different set.


My Syntrx is being shipped back to me from an input DC-coupling mod operation and I will immediately pair it with the A4 mk2 now that the Syntrx’s audio inputs can take cv too and have it as a mod source. It seems like a great complementary couple now.

edit: the cv and fx tracks are often overlooked but those are v powerful tools not present in many other synths.


I just impulse bought a mk1 after putting in what I thought was a lowball offer that would get rejected. Seller accepted and I got a pretty good deal.

I’d been meaning to give one a try for a while, so I guess now’s as good a time as any. I’ve been obsessively watching A4 videos to build the hype :smiley:


Looking forward to seeing what you get out of it :slight_smile:

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I definitely want to pair it with my ms20 as a fifth voice :metal:


I think that’s the perfect setup, four internal voices plus an external one that’s a bit more “exotic”.


when I first read this my brain said ‘filth’ voice which kinda works haha

looking forward to some vids and sounds you can pull out of it


GASing on gear you own is a habit I’ve tried to use to curb my spending.


Those tricks are (1) programming sounds with the sequencer

Could you expand on this? The A4 was my first synth ever and I love it, it’s been a staple of my setup for years but I still struggle sometimes to program it, would love to hear some examples of what to p-lock on the sequencer to make it more lively.

I’ve heard @DaveMech’s post some days ago on the “Current Sounds” thread and I was mesmerised by the groove/movement on that patch, knowing that the trick is mostly on the sequencer got me to try some stuff out but didn’t get close to that sound… If you read this @DaveMech I might be contacting you for another 1:1 session to pick your brain on the A4 (not sure if you still do those, we had one a couple years ago for the DT when I was more of a noobie, haha).


Owning an MS-20 is really making me GAS for an A4.


Ahh, that’s a clever trick! I’ve been making my performance macros from scratch every time, and it really is time consuming. I tend to reach for the same parameters, so I should try making a template kit like this.

When I make new patterns I often clear the kit, then copy the FX track from the previous pattern because I often use the same FX settings on all my tracks.

stuff that's better suited for the tips and tricks thread

Slow tri LFO with the destinations delay time and width for a nice and thick delay, and slow square LFO with delay time as destination for the occasional “skip” that makes the delay wobble a bit.


The other handy thing about the A4 is it can be set to send CV as hz/volt as easily as it can be run with v/oct, and both at the same time too.


I have a love hate thing with my A4.
On the one hand it is 4 monosynths with an amazing array of sound design tools. As well as having sequencing, CV/Gate and Midi connectivity to interface with my other gear. To replicate this in Eurorack would probably run around $5k USD.
On the other hand it kind of wears me down using it sometimes. It just gets tedious trying to do things, when I can hear a sound in my head and am trying to realize it on the A4.
Like others have said you often end up just using presets. Which I modify a bit of course, but it still feels like cheating.
There is just something about the interface that is less fluid and fun than my Digitone and Machinedrum. On those I crank knobs every which way, mash buttons and it kind of works. On the A4 I have to be more thoughtful and rational in how I use it.

That all said, I recently went on a road trip to get out of NYC during Omicron and took just my A4. All my other synth boxes are one or the other. The A4 can be drum machine, synth, stringer, bass etc.
Not sure if anything I’m doing will end up being released. But I am at least going deeper with it.

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I literally haven’t used presets on it once in the 2 years I’ve owned mine, I think never taking the easy way out and using something that’s already finished pays off in the long run as you get more and more confident / able to program the sounds in your head.

Not ripping on presets but I don’t even ever really use my own which is something I’m having to try and change / get used to as patch flipping on the A4 is a such
big asset to it


Cheers dude. Yeah I still give lessons :+1:t2:

Funny thing is that the sequence itself is pretty simple really. It’s more in the sound design and use of lfo’s on that track. And some subtle performance knob movements. :slight_smile:

I agree though that the sequencer is very power for sound design as well

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There is a great guide in SOS (SounOndSound) for free regarding synthesis, sound enginering, and music technology, that may be of great help when using synths like the A4.

and maybe starting from this series may also help:[0]=node%3Afield_section%3A6971&page=4

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My mk1 arrived today. It’s in ridiculously good condition. I definitely got a good deal.

The factory patterns kinda remind me of the Monomachine. I guess it’s a characteristic of the era for Elektron machines. I spent an hour with it making some things from scratch and came up with this slow EBM acid thing, quite nice. It’s a deep machine that I’m sure will take me some time to get into making weird stuff with.

I keep accidentally activating chain mode when I change patterns though. Is there any way to stop it from making a chain every time I accidentally press two trig buttons at once when selecting patterns? I notice the chain persists even after selecting another pattern.


there’s no way to turn off chain creation as far as i know. i’ve only done that accidentally a couple of times. you can clear it easily by pressing chain+play(clear) though.

Yeah I suppose it’s something I’ll just have to get used to (also, probably easier when actually using at my desk instead of in bed isolating with covid :stuck_out_tongue:).

I also didn’t realise the trig LEDs were red only (instead of dual colour like on the OT and MM) and thought my unit was broken when only a few LEDs lit up green in the test mode… they are only red, right? :sweat_smile:

Is it just me or does everyone seem to want an A4 since this thread is up?