Isla Instruments Caladan

For the unfamiliar, Brad Holland all but confirmed this in a recent video. 4 part multi timbral analog/digital/sample based synth with, i want to say, 32 total shared voices? Can’t wait for this one.


All of the LEDs are individually addressable with several thousand possible colors, so i wonder if there will be a different color/ movement for different lfo shapes and settings. I know at slow rates it could be easy to infer shape but otherwise, yeah interesting question

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Supposedly it contains 3 or 4 different 8 voice synths, or do we know that yet?

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From what I think I remember reading in one of brad’s instagram posts it is a sample based synth? I am hoping something like a modern asr-10.


i found the one where he says “multitimbral analog digital sample-based hybrid synthesizer (or even all three).” I wonder if that means digital and analog generation in addition to sample based, or if he means sample based with analog filters/fx and digital controls/filters/fx. I’ve heard it is “multi-engine” as well

Looking like maybe it has motorized knobs?


I’d make it compatible with the boards he’s making for the 2400 , widen his customer base on a very niche product extra.
And reuse tech he’s developed for 2400 … sequencer / song mode etc.
keep a few things separate just to keep the conspiracy crazies happy, they need something to rant about. … plus the inevitable threads of ‘they added feature x on new device so ‘obviously’ I’m owed It on the old devices. It’s my human right …

But I don’t know anything about making synths


Fresh from Isla’s IG account:

Well, today is a milestone, everything is ready and has been sent off to fabrication to make the first hardware prototypes.

Caladan is (will be) an 8-part multi-timbral polyphonic analog / digital hybrid synthesizer.

We are carrying on the legacy of a fantastic, groundbreaking synthesizer called the ‘Parva’ by FutureSonus. Building on its DNA, we are putting our own twist on it to make it the perfect partner to the S2400.
Same form factor, same aesthetic (yes, same wood sides if you want)

It will bring polyphonic playback of multi-sampled instruments (SF2, SFZ, +) out of the box.
But the special sauce is the 8x expansion slots inside the case which will allow me to go completely fucking nuts with add-in voicecards.

OPL3, SID, SEM, SH-101, MiniMoog, Pro-1, etc etc… all these flavours can be realised on expansion cards and all accessed by a common UI.
Voicecards can of course be analog OR digital. The intention is to open this side of the synth up to allow 3rd party developers to create cards also.

I’m literally creating MY ‘Dream Synth’ and I want to take you along for the ride.
First hardware should be here in a few weeks!!
Here’s a couple of renders of what the prototype will look like.



This looks fabulous!


Wow…thank you for posting the update. I am pretty excited for this one. I’m interested to see how the multi samples work.

Man, I can’t wait to see how this comes out.


I came to the conclusion I don’t need any new synth in the near future. But…
Wow. Looks promising. Let’s hear how it sounds. :wink:

[maybe it’s good for my wallet they still need to find a distributor for EU, though]

I was just about to write that it looks like the parva.

Very interesting! Imagine cards by Noise Engineering …


Really interested in Isla stuff but their boxes are all so big and thick, I would need a separate desk for them I think.

Those screens on the left look a bit small & cramped to me. This might save me £££ and a ride on the GAS rollercoaster. I’m keen to learn more tho’, the platform sounds flexible and useful.

Workaround :


I hope there’s a way to get in for cheaper at the intro like the s2400. Worried that the answer is no since they’re already established.

Wonder what the polyphony, number of velocity layers and max sample size per part are like. Might potentially be interesting as a one-stop box combining sample playback and analog/digital synthesis…

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:joy: bingo!