Is tinned fish the next succulent?

Tastes nothing like fish but it’s strangely addictive. Especially the chilli one


I always thought people posting about buying new ‘cans’ for their studio were talking about headphones. How wrong I was.


I would try that if it weren’t made from processed soy.

Processed soy can be both delicious and beautiful.


Yeah, but, you know…tin fish!

Seriously though, what the hell are you eating? It looks amazing…


i hope so

That was a Shojin Ryori / Kaiseki meal I had in Kyoto, not far from Nanzenji and the Philosopher’s Walk. (unlike most restaurants in Japan, there weren’t any photos or plastic models of the meal, but they had English menus. We were specifically looking for Shojin Ryori, so had some inkling of what we were getting into. But it was even more delicious than expected)

I think the idea is to bridge the gap between Buddhist monks and clergy with their strict vegetarian diet and the Buddhist laity and general tourists who are used to eating meat but want to honor the rules while on pilgrimage.


i hope tiktokkers embrace the test… and it becomes a thing. they should all try this so we can get milions of people puking.



@ignatius The funny thing is that given what they dropped / spat out, it might smell good for a long time right outside the door.

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Well, I should of said highly processed soy. That all looks delicious and I do love me some yuba. The Tuno though I looked it up and looks a lot like Fancy Feast.

Weren’t most of the original “mock meats” developed by monks in China to feed their wealthy patrons when they visited?


Thanks Mr. Strunk.

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