Is there a synth cooler than the digitone

Hi There,

So, at this point, I have: (1.) a digitone, (2.) an MC101 (to provide some “normal” sounds) and (3.) a digitakt. While I am glad I have these other devices to round out what I can do, tbh, the digitone is just… idk, my good people, fucking incredible?! The drums are cool. The sound sculpting is cool. The weirdness is cool. I’m thinking about getting a mod duo x to provide some effects and try some weird generator stuff, but, I guess my question is: let’s say (and this won’t be the case for a very long time), but let’s just say I get tired of the digitone, and want something like it but MORE/EXTRA, what should I look at?



Nobody can tell what you want, other than you.
What kind of music do you want to make?
There are so much options…

What exactly do you like and what do you miss from dn?


Right, I’m just wondering what people look at “after” they become digitone wizards. e.g., I don’t understand the analog four vs. the digitone <-- it’s just that the analog four has a different kind of sound bc it is analogue. n00b question here.

At this point, I like to make “cinematic post-cyberpunk w/harsh-precise complex drum patterns”; this is one of my favorite guys: JAC - YouTube (2/3 of the track is really when this shit pops off).

I guess I like “programmatic complexity” but digital, not analog; so, shifting wires around on a modular setup doesn’t excite me very much, but if I could do that, but digital (menu diving), I’d be into it.


Get a Digitone.


I already have a digitone; is your suggestion: have two digitones. :slight_smile:


Get a Digitone Keys then.


A4 comes to mind. Awesome in its own way as well. Look for info on this forum.

Here’s a track with almost only A4:

An old one with A4 chords:

It can give you insane drums as well, very complementary with DN


a. yr tracks are dope
b. I tried to find a youtube digitone/a4 comparison, but couldn’t; are they apples and oranges? tbh couldn’t really figure out like what the a4 is?


that’s an interesting suggestion! looking into it

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I originally had the DN, and now have the Keys. Obviously, it is larger, so there is that if space is an issue. But beyond that, it makes it feel like a complete instrument.

Of course, if you like the DN, and want a companion, I might suggest the Korg OpSix. At its core, its got some similar things going on as the DN, like FM going into a filter. But there are more filters to choose from, the FM editing is deeper, and the physical controls are different, which may lead to finding different sounds. The downside is that it is missing the Elektron sequencer, and it is I believe monotimbral, so no 4 track sequencer. But it does have a sequencer with some interesting tricks. And, you could always sequence it with the DN.

Of course, I do not have an OpSix, so this is not a personal recommendation. More like, I see that you have this thing that you really like, so check out this other thing that is similar, but different enough.


The A4 has only 4 voices, you have to be aware of this. I have more fun using it as 4 monos and possibly steal a voice here and there.
The sound is wide, you have many modulations, and once you know your way it’s very logically designed.
Yes indeed it’s apples and oranges, DN can go wood, metal and glass while A4 is more round, even when it screams.

It’s a beast, really. And I have a few other synths to compare with :wink:


Maybe the Kodamo Essence FM.


Oh yeah, and that one has lots of timbrals.


so we’re talking about “warmth” of sound right; what about “editing” of sound, like can you do crazy sound design with the a4?

sounds like I should just go listen to a bunch of a4 tracks to see if I like it…

DN was my favourite synth but now it’s Bitwig’s The Grid. I know it’s not a hardware synth and it’s only good if you want to use a computer alongside your gear (I use Bitwig alongside my Analog Rytm in USB mode btw - not Overbridge). But, damn, The Grid can do everything DN can but so much more. I absolutely love it and now I have no regrets in selling my DN. There are no restrictions beyond CPU. Want 12 LFOs? Go for it. Need more oscillators? Add ‘em in. Want some weird maths to dictate when things should or shouldn’t fire? Have at it. Wavefolding, phase modulation, several types of distortion or filtering? The list goes on and on.


I have to have something under my hands; however, this does look really fucking neat! I guess maybe the whole norns thing is another thing you can do, where you bounce back and forth between programming and tapping stuff with your hands. - like get in that whole monome game (I just remembered that it exists…) (also, I love programming :slight_smile: ).

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Is there a synther cooler than the digitone? Of course there is


You have GAS. it’s okay.


I got a second digitone after ess came out with that mindmelt album which was made with 2 digitones. (drums on one and synth sound on the other). Was fun for a while making songs like that but then realised i prefer making a song on 1 digitone for ease of brain. So started using both digitones live, seeying them as 2 records playing, mixing song from the left in to the other and back again. before i had the digitakt digitone combo, which felt so confusing to have a different layout on the keys/track selection. So what im trying to say is that its fun to have 2 machines with the exact same estetic and workflow. Not really the answer to the question.


Nord Lead 3
Sequenced by the Digitone.

Pick your format. Module or Keyboard versions of each are out there. You wouldn’t need much else for live electronic music. And the cool factor is through the roof.