Is the Octatrack fader busted?

Argghh so yeah been going through the OT but it seems like the fader is maybe busted?. No matter what I done the fader does not respond, there should be an animation right when you move it on the UI regardless correct?

However, as you can see no movement, even trying to fade a to b nothing happens.

Your link is to My Videos, so I’m only seeing the videos on my account.

Your video url is not working…

Sorry here

Maybe I’m missing something but I didn’t see you assign anything to a scene or have any sound playing when you were sliding fadeer.

No I can do another video doing that but it doesn’t work. The fader animation shows no movement on the ui. If you boot up you’re OT and move the fader the UI should show it moving from a to b. Can anyone please confirm this.

I don’t have a OT, but doesn’t the fader do/show something in test mode?

BTW: I wish Elektron gave more complete documentations for all the test modes for all their equipment in the manuals.

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How do I get into test mode?

Hold down the Function key when powering up.

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Nope still same issue, so does this mean fader is broke?. Damn, just when I got the OT back in my life.

The test mode should tell you if the machine is experiencing any critical errors, like the fader failing

Have you assigned any of the parameters to the scenes? If you don’t set anything up nothing will change

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Fader animation does not show up on the UI plus if you haven’t set up anything to change with the fader why do you think anything would show up when you’re not even using it over top of sound

There is an animation that does show up on the OT when the fader is moved. Its a black bar going from left to right.

Parameters are assigned to a scene, I can do a video if needed.

I don’t know whether you’re asking me or telling me. But no there isn’t. Any animation of parameters that you can witness on the ui’s done through MIDI

Here’s a link to expected behavior in test mode – it should move the leds above the trig buttons.

This thread makes lots of good suggestions so you can read other stuff. Like apparently there’s a ribbon cable inside that can come loose. FWIW.

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But again, have you assigned anything to the scenes? You have to assign something to a and then assign something to b and the fader will fade between those two values

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Yes I have, I been following the video and manual.

THis is what I was talking about, the highlighted area is an indication of where the fader is:

Thanks for the link, yeah it didn’t even register at all when I did the test.

Yes, there is. Lower right corner of screen shows a b and black bar between them, indicating the position of fader.

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