Is the Elektron sequencer starting to be “out-dated”?

Hi everybody,

Just starting a discussion. The Elektron devices are “famous” for their deep and intuitive sequencers. As much as I love them I notice other company’s are doing the sequencing possibilities like Elektron. It seems like a matter of time when the Elektron Sequencers getting out-dated?

Does Elektron need to step up their game to stay ahead.

My opinion: I see sequencers where you can lock parameters relative to the position of the original knob / fader (Pro-3). This very nice for live tweeking. The Elektron looks more suited for dialing in a sequence and then don’t touch it anymore. Which is very static.

Thoughts to improve:

  • the possibility to set the values relative to the position like -10 or +21.96 (like Ableton envelope automation)
  • create a separate automation grid where you can place those parameter locks with their own trig conditions. You could swap this mode just like on the OT, Rytm or A4 where you can do slides, mutes, swing, etc. This would be great to create parameter changes on a probability without the note value.
  • the possibility to change the start trig of the sequencer
  • the possibility to change to order of the sequencer (forward, backward, forward and then backwards and random)
  • easier input on the sequencer. When entering a note on trig one and you hold it down then press a other trig to make it that long. Same For parameters.

I am curious what you think about this and what are your ideas?


All these ideas were around before Elektron and will be afterwards. There were and will be better sequencers for some purposes.

Elektron products work well because they integrate a sound source with the sequencer. The fewer features included, the better they appear to sell.

The Elektron sequencer paradigm is not obsolete. Fun is not “out-dated”.


I agree with you. But I see that others are doing the same thing. So it isn’t just Elektron anymore. So therefor I think they need to step up their game to stay ahead and unique.


The note length thing is a good suggestion you should send a feature request…
Moving the start point is already possible…
technology always improves maybe some are catching up.
but elektron sequencers are far from obsolete…


I think most of these already have workarounds or would add needless complexity. However, I think being able to make individual tracks play forward, backwards or back and forth, and maybe even random, is a brilliant idea that has been around a long time in simple arpeggiators and things like the Beatstep. It would think that would be a fairly simple thing to add in an update.


How? I know you can move the grid. But that is a hassle in live and doesn’t change the pattern. The Endpoint is easy by changing the pattern length. The startpoint could work the same.

I definitely think “obsolete” is the wrong word. If other devices get the same kind of features, the elektron ones will still work fine.


I don t think Elektron seqs become obsolete bc others do similar things, at all. Elektron should not be in the game of being innovative for the sake of it. Give me awesome sounding, hands on performance devices, regardless of applied technology and innovations. Elektron didnt invent FM or analog synthesis you know.

I do like this proposal a lot though. This sometimes frustrates me too. The performance macro s on AR work somewhat in that direction:


I do think Obsolete is the wrong choice of word. I will edit this in a better fashion. Good to recall.

You can move the trigs across then it will change where it starts in the sequence…
So that is changing the start trig

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Yes I know this. But in a live situation it is a “bitch” to press a button 16 times to move it a bar in front. This Could be done in a simple combo.

Other companies are starting to catch up, doesn’t really make elektron sequencers outdated. It means others are starting to see the concepts and finally implementing similar ideas.

Still loads my elektron boxes can do that other boxes can’t.


The playback direction and randomised playback is something I’ve requested before, as long as it’s implemented in a simple, intuitive fashion, so +1 for that! A loop mode would be awesome too. By that I mean a certain part of the sequence for each track, say trigs 9-16 on track one, trigs 1-2 on track two, etc etc, which can be defined ahead of time and toggled on and off like fill mode is currently. As for the others, yes, in theory, but not if it makes the boxes more complicated and prone to human error in the heat of the moment. Simpler is most of time always better in my opinion.


You didn’t mention it had to be live etc etc… I was just pointing out it’s possible to adjust where the first trig of the sequence can start from


Song mode on the silver boxes functions in a way similar to this but is pattern based not track based. So offsets and pattern cut ups are possible to program. I wish that would come back.


Ooh nice. Never had the opportunity to mess with one of the silver boxes, so that’s good to know it exists in some fashion. Per track would be extra special tho!

Quick tip:
I use neighbor routing and trigless trig mutes for this on A4, though it obviously doesn’t work on all core sound level parameters. It’s fun regardless.
I always loved the monologue sequencer for this. Notes, parameters, and slides all on their own individually mutable lanes.

Add adjusting the track scale of the neighbor track and you get some wild results.

Elektron sequencers still have a few tricks up their sleeves once you start combining this capability with that capability.

Re outdated:
The SH-101 sequencer is outdated, yet immensely useful. Don’t forget that whole instruments use technology, they’re
Instruments first. And therefore adjectives that typically apply to technology are problematic.

I need to be able to change patterns under water.


That is true! I could have mention that. But I miss it that you can do it easily while performing. Thnx for the input.

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Yes this works on the DN aswell. It is a great option to have for a extra “automation” lane.

I would still like the Elektrons still, but I hope to see some future boxes with more advanced sequencing possibilities. No need for every box to get the same workflow. That is in the current boxes also different. So I am fine with that :innocent:.

I respectfully disagree. It makes using multiple (similar) boxes at once much more error prone when you need to remember which one can do what (workflow-wise).