Is the A4 with its four voices now "out of date"?

The brie cheese I folded into my omelet this morning was definitely in-date. :yum:


I’d love to see Elektron do an updated Analog Eight. I’d likely buy one.

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How can less be more? More is more!

more voices, more choices

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more choices, more faffing

To paraphrase Ronseal:

“It does exactly what it says on the tin”

The clue is in the name Analog Four, if you want a polysynth with more voices this ain’t the droid you’re looking for, pretty simple.


Prophet 08 was released in 2007. A4 5 years later. People still bought the A4 :slight_smile:

I have an A4. Also have an MC-707 and Jupiter Xm. That takes the pressure off and lets me really enjoy the A4 for what it does best, multiple interesting monophonic lines. I suggest pairing it with the MC-101, the best value in cheap polyphony.




a stradivarius only has 4 voice for Hundreds of years,it cost billion these days,is it outdated?

good music never count by voice,if you by any chance learned classical Harmony theory,you will know 4 voice is the norm of all music.


…haha…what an outdated question…


You are so negative. :stuck_out_tongue: The Analog four, synths, people, nature, dust, materia…everything is basically condensed energy, condensed light, formed by an eternal spirit.
Therefore an A4 can only be “outdated”, if your mind believes so.

Long answer:
I always took the A4 as a toolbox…it can be a polysynth, but also 1 monosynth plus a 3 voice polysynth, or four independed monosynths… Also…the two oscilators per voice lets you mimick more than one voice, by uses different turnings, so that with 2 or 3 or 4 voices, you can play 4 or 6 or 8 note chord sounds. Or…treat the A4 as a 4 stage multifilterbox, sequencable. Or use presetlocks to use it as a drum machine. You need more voices to play with both hands and long sustained notes? Than this might be not the right tool for it. But this doesn´t mean that it´s outdated.

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The point i was making is is the term “out of date” is irrelevant as time is a man made construct. There is no beginning or end. But thats way just theory. And mostly thats all we have to go on. The A4 is without time just like everything else.


i :cupid: this forum — to think that train of thought came from synth voice count pondering :rofl:


And the question is: is every construct irrelevant? I don’t know, time will tell


Yes - you can get much cheaper synths with more polyphony.

No - those synths will not let you tweak multiple parameters for each individual note the way A4 does.

With this machine you are not paying for polyphony. You are paying for the ability to edit each note in the sequence in a way no other synth comes close to doing.


Monomachine and Digitone :grimacing:

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My OB-6 expired today. Turned it on and it sounded like an Akai Timbre Wolf. I’ve heard about synthesizers becoming out of date and expiring, but it had never happened to me before.

Anyways, I guess I will cut it up and use it to make bread pudding.


100% recycled bread and butter sounds.

