Is Relevancy Still Relevant in 2023

I think relevant in this context is just poorly defined and probably unsuitable. Obsolete/obsolescent/outdated seems like a better fit for what people are trying to express.

Things that are thought of as obsolete one decade can end up quite desirable once again in another, usually because of a certain character of sound. Maybe 12 bit samplers fit into that category. Then there’s other gear that is too recent to have some kind of defining ‘lo-fi-ness’ about it, but old enough that its interface or connectivity has been superseded. Still doesn’t mean that you can’t make great stuff with it today if you happen to own such a device though.

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Feelings nowadays seem more relevant than facts. This goes to show that relevancy has an expiration date. Though this might actually be non-linear and point to time looping back onto itself, more like a repeating envelope than a synced LFO. With a pre-determined random track.

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I feel a strong desire to spam this thread with things that were once relevant but no longer are.

1999 come knocking…PWEI now…

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