Is it worth getting A4 Mk1 for 60% of Mk2?

I’m new to Elektron gear and picked up a mint used Analog Keys for an insanely good price. I’d been considering one for a couple of years and it had been near the top of my GAS list. Have not played on an A4 Mk2 but I can say I’m totally blown away with the AK sounds and functions, like others say, the joystick is highly fun and addictive! Loaded up all the packs from Elektron’s website and purchased the Floppy Disk Pirates packs. I’ve got a lot of learning to do but as far as bang for buck and fun goes, I’d say it’s an unbelievable sounding beauty of a synth and a purchase that you sure couldn’t go wrong with. Wish I’d done it years ago. Don’t try the Mk 2, just get the Mk1 and don’t look back !

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so far from each other though and not really an alternative, a separate choice yes but certainly not comparable in either direction

you’re swapping analogue processing for digital, you are losing a lot of (most) control of the base sound in addition etc

i do wonder if Elektron will end up halting the updates on the a4 and focus any extra functions on mk2 only to gain back some sales , that is a reason to get a mk2 that i don’t think has been mentioned

maybe that is just my cynical side showing through

Hope not, because I just got my A4 Mk1 (I’m the OP :)). But out of curiosity, what would be the “extra functions on Mk2” that you’re mentioning? I’m only aware of separate audio outs and - supposedly - deeper sound, especially the overdrive. Those do not sound like extra functions?

if they’d gone digi-size with the A4 mk2 rather than larger I’d probably have got one.

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The A4 mk1 is my favourite, will never part with it.


To the unsuspecting persons this means something about the A4 :smiley:

bigger display, more and extra buttons

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if you plan to use the CV tracks for sequencing modular/semi modular or the FX for external processing you get A LOT of bang for your buck and also easily 19" rack mountable =)

MK2 = It’s way overpriced, less stable, more bricking or freezing possibility, stupid marketing bass frequency ranges talk, ugly looking grey faceplate, …

Looking back in history of synth, etc all first units seem to have ‘that magic’, 'flavour", collectors item, etc The first is mostly the best in many cases like movies, gear, albums, books,etc! You will feel super happy when buying a supercheap underrated synth like A4 mk1! Too bad it does not have some sort of poly chain or I would have bought another mk1!

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I stayed 1.5 year with a nice Californian neighbour in Paris. I don’t regret it. :wink:

I also tried 3 chained neighbors, but with A4 MKI! :joy:

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Thanks, already got my A4 Mk1 some time ago & love it :slight_smile:


my neighbour bought a bird. extremely annoying

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Wouldn’t pay extra for a mk2

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True! I’m barely able to fit a mk1 in my workstation- Can’t afford the money or the space.

I’d say the most alluring thing about the mk2s are the buttons. The style of buttons from the digitakt going forwards are just super fun to touch. Some people on the forum say they even like pushing them even when not operating the unit. :smiley:

After that, the instant perf knob and the 24-bit streaming on each track.

But I have a special place in my heart for operating the mk1.

Imitate it with A4!
I heard that MKII is better to mimic birds. :content:


no, you just have to turn the overdrive the other way around. Same birds on mk1


OSC Feedback i Heard is great to scare birds and dogs away and talk to dolphins and Orcas!


Mk1 is my favourite out of everything I own.

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No idea. Bit of a shame given what I paid for mine pre mk2 haha, but to be honest I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of any of my Elektron gear so not to worry. Each machine is just too inspiring on its own (and combined) to get rid of any of them!

Was playing with my A4 mk1 for the first time in months just now and it’s an awesome machine. For the prices they go for it’s a no brainier.