IRMA, MARIA : check Charity Navigator for Donations

@AverageBear6 Give news when you can here to tell us you safe man ! Take care… Truly sorry you have to deal with this, if you said that is that you did not have the possibility to leave the territory to take refuge somewhere where IRMA does not pass … :confused:

We Nauts are with all of those who have to face this terrible natural disaster !


It’s extremely sad.
I heard that the roots and the scale of the catastrophes are to be sook in human building without taking the nature into the equation.
I believe this.
I recently read “Collapse” by Jared Diamond. Eye-opener, even if nothing can be taken for granted.

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Maybe comeback to topic, administrator can decide if yes or not, it can be moved in another topic in general discussion with this so Elektronauts knows where to donate for help people who suffers from IRMA ? I find that where it gives all organism with 5 stars rate (normally safe to donate and the fund are go right way to the people who need it) :

just a suggestion @LyingDalai, @PeterHanes and @avantronica
Sorry guys to point you in person but it will be a better initiative from the Board. Maybe a Sticky Thread ?

You’re aware that thousans of people who don’t have the fortune of living in the US have already been hit by Irma?

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Sure @t this thread started from a user quote on IRMA but … it’s a Storm about Six Months in the Making to became IRMA at first.

Hey William,

All went okay for this time. Just lost power for 2 hours and listened to some insane winds.

Fortunately it went down to Category 3, which is significantly smaller than 5, so we are very grateful.

Thanks Pal!!


We were very lucky here. Not so much around us.
It was a beast.
And now Mary is on the loose. CAT5 already


Sending good vibes your way bro. Stay safe.

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@AverageBear6, @EasternNoise … Glad to hear you safe guys :wink: Didn’t see news talking about Maria (Mary) growing to Cat5 … :frowning: shit what a bad series :stuck_out_tongue:

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