Iphone for filming youtube videos?

You can also record directly in (bypasses the Mic) with something like this.

I use one myself, although not the greatest, it does the job for a cheap price.

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Thanks I’ll have a look at it. Just might be urgent, I feel rather naked without phone :zonked:

Does anyone know if the S models, 8S and 7S have a better camera compared to their smaller 8 or 7 versions? The bigger have two lenses… Does it make a huge difference.
Sorry for my lacking knowledge :slight_smile:

A couple things I’ve learned:

Phones usually have variable frame rate… Idk if this means iPhones do, too. In my very limited experience, this means syncing your audio is going to be difficult and annoying. So you may want to convert later (which takes a long time) or I’ve heard there are apps that force your phone into a fixed frame rate.

Also I’ve been finding it difficult to properly capture the screen on my boxes. Still haven’t found a good solution. Maybe if I fixed the lighting in my room that would help, but part of me also thinks it will just make things more washed out.

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Filmic does that.

That’s where an external LED with variable strength comes in. You need to balance the brightness of the screen with the ambient light.


Can you explain this routing / workflow in more detail? Are you recording audio using the zoom’s mics, then routing that into the iphone? Do you have any examples (i.e. how’s the quality)?

I have had an iphone 7 for about 2 years now and feel like it’s still brand new. I use it for recording all my videos. Things got even better when I picked up the Roland Go:Mixer. It has several inputs, is compact and reasonably robust. Audio quality is decent. Though, I’m starting to think it changes my sound. Stuff that I record sounds nice to my ears through my monitors, but when I listen to video later, certain frequencies are accentuated, and a lot of low end is lost (using headphones, not just the phone speakers). I’ll have to do a proper comparison one day of audio into Ableton, into the Zoom H1n, and into the go:mixer. Maybe I’ll achieve YouTube fame!

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When you connect the H2n, it will pop up on the device whether you want to use it as an audio interface. Select yes, then the iPhone will automatically use its inputs which are the mics are the stereo line in (using the line in overrides the mics).

Oops getting mixed up with H1n, the above works for me with H2n, but needs to be powered with the CCK.

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Can you explain or link to said LED? I have no clue what you’re referring to lol

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sure :3

i just set the H1n to interface mode, pick iOS, connect it to my iPhone via microusb through the camera connection kit, and that’s pretty much it. the device recognizes it almost instantaneously & from my experience, will automatically switch to it as the default audio source for any app requiring one.

the H1n also has a line input, so I take the master output (typically from my analog four) and route it through there, using a stereo 1/4" to 1/8" converter (basically two mono 1/4" cables on one end, and a single stereo 1/8" on the other).

it works very well and i think allows me to get performances out more quickly, since I don’t have to do any audio editing or worry about matching it to the video. i’d say the quality is fine - probably not as good as it would be through overbridge or a dedicated interface, but good enough for me to be satisfied with it. i do have to be mindful of levels though, since it seems to clip pretty easily.

also not to self plug but if you’d like to hear a short demonstration to judge for yourself how it sounds, i did use it to record my latest performance. in this case the audio was coming straight out of the digitakt into the H1n. i think it turned out pretty alright :slight_smile:


The 8s and 7s are the same size as the 7 and 8. The have a bumped up processor and a slightly better camera, I believe, than their regular counterparts. If you want a big one your looking at the 7/8 plus. You want to also grab a phone that is 64bit as 32bit apps are being phased out of the market and do not work with the newer os (11/12).

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Thanks again for all the information.
So I bought an Iphone 8 today. Really struggled with the decision cause the Iphone 7 was only 520 Euro but it was only with 32 gb. I chose the Iphone 8 with 64 gb, I thought 32 gb could be really limiting.
Not really sure.
Hope the back on the 8 is not too brittle, since it is glas… Don’t know if the 7 would have been more robust.
And I really hope I don’t lose my phone this time. Would be a bigger loss compared to the Samsung.


I confused S with the plus models, sorry. And thanks for the explanation

Looks like you choose a good model, on the phone 64gb is a far better option than 32gb, Especially if you are filming, that space fills fast.

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thanks, that was my thought :slight_smile:

Thanks - that was really helpful. I’m going to give this a try tonight! If I get it up and running quickly, I might even do a quick comparison of this method vs. the go:mixer to see which yields better results. :+1:t3::+1:t3:

edit: I forgot to mention the best part - the jam you shared is great. Good beat, nice use of panning (LFO?) and I’m intrigued by sampling of a sound off snapchat. Keep it up!

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Just a video light with Light Emitting Diods. A video light. A light.


Since Apple is still selling iPhone 7 new (effectively at the price of the now discontinued SE), I would expect it to be ok for new software for at least a couple more years.

If doing video, the more space, the better. I did a 25 minute video on my iPhone XS at 1080p at it took five gigs. It only takes a few of those to fill up space - especially if this your every day device.

I found that then connecting the phone to the Mac directly and using “image capture” to treat it like a regular camera made it easy to get the big video off the phone rather than deal with the phone and network trying to stuff that video into the cloud.

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Sure i saw a video on yt were he recorded 2 cameras and audio from mixer all at the same time so everything was synced.

It was using an open source video program called OBS - https://obsproject.com/

You may be able to use that.