iPad Music Apps?

Drambo is perfect for this.


Ah cool, is it possible to disable the effects so they just work as CCs?

The touch plates as well as all main panel knobs can be mapped within Drambo or presumably other host apps, if that’s what you’re asking?

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Do you mean turn off the touch plates so that they don’t work unless they’re controlled via MIDI? I don’t think so

The new Hilda app, sweeping the filter over a sequence modulating some parameters in Drambo, uneven loudness warning.

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Neu COTCD Kollage sample/patch heap for FRMS just dropped. On intro sale til May 9th. Thnx in advance anyone who cops it, hope you dig it🙏 (& apologies for the self-promo!).

Demo Pt.1 (patches 1-30) -


Yeah sorry I didn’t explain myself that well. I was wondering if it’s possible to disable the touch points so that they don’t control the effects, but instead reroute them (eg via MIDI) so they control other parameters of the synth. Could be cool. Seems like the answer is no though.

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Was just playing around and was quite surprised to find 2x Ruismaker Noir and 2x Hilda was enough to make my iPad Pro 3rd Gen start cracking, never really had that before. Seems Hilda is quite power hungry!

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Brilliant work as always. Time to explore some new music with these. :facepunch:t3:™


Thnx so much man! :pray: Look forward to hearing what you cook up​:v:

Installed it a couple of hours ago (thanks @echo_opera for pointing it out, I missed the original post).

It’s excellent, had lots of fun jamming, and I’ve only gone through the first 3 presets…!


Thnx man, appreciate you grabbing the pack & the kind words! Stoked you dig it.

Recorded another quick pack demo using only the pack (except drums) today :arrow_down:

COTCD Kollage FRMS edition demo

Heads up anyone thinking about grabbing the pack, intro sale finishes tonight. Big thnx to everyone that already copped it! :pray:

Two cool new apps I learned about today:

New Scaper app, kind of weird and wonderful as ever but some great presets ‎GlitchScaper on the App Store

Pixel Music, kind of simple but fun idea in that it reads colours from (a low res version of) any image on your device and turns them into a sequence, with options for scale etc. ‎Pixel Music on the App Store


koala sampler is good for this.
import the sample from audioshare into koala.
drag the sample to an empty pad (copy it).
then drag the copy back onto the original.
then select “Add to end”, and now you have doubled your loop.


GlitchScaper is brilliant! :slight_smile: love Igor Vasiliev’s apps, and this one can add some very funky layers to a beat. Have used it a lot as an AU in Drambo already.

A little more understandable in the interface also than some of his more out there apps, though unlocking the puzzle of how things work as always been part of the appeal for me with his stuff.

Totally, what I like about his stuff is it’s really out there but also sounds great without needing to know what’s going on

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Loopy Pro 1.1 is out.



Has anyone seen any great showcases of using Loopy to make techno type music? I’ve always heard great things about it but found it quite uninspiring when I tried it, but feel like maybe I’m missing the point of it

huge move right here