Introducing the e25 Remix Edition

So when Elektron sent out a survey recently fly to ask what we all want from them, how many people said ‘please give us the same machines again but with a cheaper panel and for more money’?


With sandpaper? Brutal.


I feel like there are better uses for your old Durutti Column records


If you can do it with sandpaper, you can do it with anything.



That was really hard to type fast.


The grey encoders on silver look off to me. Wouldn’t that look better?



Need More Investment?

Almost anything.


I’ve laid a few sturdy little cables that could have benefitted from one of them during the snapping off phase.


You’re a bad person. And so am I for laughing.

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That ST looks better in your pic! Looks sharp!


Happy birthday Elektron! These look cool, but not for me. Happy with my black DT.



i’ve used this on my old megacommand to match the machinedrum it was attached to…

theres easier ways than sandpaper


That’s what my kid kept saying.


That’s a pointer to the real problem, by this type of logic (not yours per se) Elektron would only be able to make everything available on one day, because people are basically so entitled as to not reign in their expectations that any news should be their news, every time … why can’t people be polite and patient and see that, obviously, every news announcement isn’t going to be for them … thus through out the years there will be something for all of us, eventually … alas eventually isn’t enough … being civil is beyond many when we should and could (imho) respect that it’s a launch day and applaud our favourite maker

Who’s to say there aren’t updates around the corner, who’s to say there isn’t new gear around the corner

I’m more dismayed by the lack of critical thinking that happens here … it’s basic stuff, there’s little or no grasp of (nor empathy with) the reality for others when people make these lazy retorts

Really - if people made the effort to step into others’ shoes they might think twice about these “pearls of wisdom”

It’s a news day, and like most others, it’s about what it isn’t more than what it is - essentially off topic, in places inappropriate and certainly far from civil

I show some appreciation for their efforts and share my personal opinion on the pointless negativity and there’s just more logical fallacies thrown out - people wouldn’t go to a gallery opening and say to the artist, it’s crap, why don’t you paint like you did before … yet that’s what folk are defending here

they have no knowledge of what’s coming, but that’s not exactly relevant is it anyway - this isn’t about Rytm updates or this that and the other, this is a topic announcing a facelift … even if it was just for the white screens, that’s their business and because i respect their efforts whether i like them or not i stand by my comments above - it is ‘faceless’ because people would never communicate like this in person, face to face … there’s no reason why in a civil space people can’t aim for that, nor should they cease advocating that, as i did

call it advocating civility, call it calling out … either way, there’s this ongoing naivety that everyone at Elektron is exclusively working on one thing (always the thing people are waiting on) so if the marketing people makes a t-shirt, the lack of development gets questioned and so on, like there aren’t many concurrent layers of ongoing evolution within an organisation … there are periodic cycles, but people don’t want to be bothered by factoring this in when offering pointless criticism of something that is entirely disconnected to the topic. That’s why it’s impolite and essentially ‘faceless’ negativity and i see no harm in pricking the conscience of those so inclined to show some simple human courtesy to the people bringing us the goods we all love at the best pace they can … it’s not like any of the repeat ‘gems’ from above aren’t already known

it would be great if people could keep it civil and be a bit more respectful of context


Thanks god it’s a limited run!


kids gotta learn the hard way tho…


Is it though? Because it doesn’t feel like it to me. I know there will be more news but I can’t believe someone thought it would be a good idea to open with this.

To me a celebration would maybe give me more insight into 25 years of the company. I’d like new instruments sure. But in the same vein I’d welcome something like a blog post, interviews with designers giving some sprinkles of history, etc. This is just a product, which is why the reception is what it is IMO.

