Introducing Model:Samples

I just think what all exists in the $349-$399 new in the groovebox/drum market?
Let’s not even talk used because that’s apples and oranges with regard to warranty, value, and such.

Electribe Sampler
Drum Brute Creation

It’s a crowded market in that price range.
But I think each contestant can do at least a couple things better than all the rest.
Folks will have to decide which couple things they value the most and go from there.


M:S is way more powerful to use as a midi module (e.g. can do retrig, lots of CC controls, etc) and both have nice performance tricks.

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id be hesitant to put the Sp404 in that category. Its more of a traditional sampler than a groovebox/drum machine imo. Maybe a MPC would fit the list instead of the SP.

No, definitely not. The sequencer or audio will never stop unless you are loading a new project or updating the machine.

Switching out samples depends a bit on the size of the sample being loaded in, but so far I haven’t noticed any delay. Theoretically, a larger sample (several MB) would perhaps take a 1-3 seconds to load in, but that just affects the track sound and not the rest of the pattern/sounds.


@Ess not bashing anyone here but any light can be shed on the decision to make sample start resolution 120 instead of 127?
A lot of chains already built will suffer!

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David from R&D explains it in this post:


I have never experienced any unwanted noise when using my E2.

Mind you, I always set the oscillator to Audio-in on the tracks I use to sequence external gear.

Have to say Mario makes it look exceptionally jammable. Having the small step buttons in a row with the bigger trigger pads above them was a great design choice; really easy to quickly enter steps and to play triggers in live at the same time.


Fair enough, cheers.

Nothing is done without having a reason for doing so. :wink:

No it was a decade in the past so I wasn’t paying current NY or SF rent prices. :stuck_out_tongue: On the expensive rent topic I think that’s housing is one of the next major problems technology will solve. 3D printing entire buildings and other things will hopefully correct the ridiculous idea that a person should work 30 years of their life for a place to call home. If we dedicate 30 years of our lives to something let us dedicate it to something less mundane and more magnificent… so hopefully autonomous driving will create classy nomadic groups of people and 3D printing will allow for beautiful cost effective buildings so that rent isn’t a problem.


Just been spoiled with the 127s :joy:
I’m warming to this box if only to abuse it on the couch as I’m too precious to bring my daddy toys out of the bunker.
Also my little brother blew my mind when he showed me how he was using his DT with loops only, I mean I was really proud of him!
I can see how his techniques could be shoehorned into this box with some slight adaptation.


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They are using High Resolution parameters in their other gear (Digitone, for example). Having Sample Start / End be High Resolution negates that 4 year old explanation :astonished:

Mario’s actually been around a while I think, I remember him doing some Digitakt videos last year. Not that it really matters but still, haha.


Volume + Dist sets the level of the sample. The default setting is 60. Higher settings than 60 gradually increase the volume and distortion. (0–127)

hmm, so it’s not possible to distort a track at low volume? If so do you plan to change it in firmware update? @Ess

Btw, I’m really glad there is no 127 slots limit.

Yeah no problem, distort the hell out of the sample via Vol+Dist and then lower the track volume.


yes, that’s what I also did. I figured that may have been the cause of it. It wasn’t a loud noise, but it went on and off as the lights on the pads went on and off… it was just a minor disturbance, but enough for me to sell them.

I missed the main level knob :grin:

Unarguably the worst presets I’ve heard on an Elektron device, even through Klipsch speakers. All the others sound good even through phone speakers.

Edit: Typed up a bunch of constructive criticism but there’s no point in beating a dead horse when my voice will go unheard or hear “but bro it could be useful in xyz way”. I will accept these changes to my beloved company and move on.

The most exciting part of this release is seeing how sales do.

Klipsch! :+1:

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