Introducing: Digitone Keys

Probably because you’d need to put it on a desk/table/stand/something



1299 USD = 1320 EUR … WHY ???

Its a small price for unlocking a dream ! Sorry, a meant price difference …

The Dkeytar strap will do

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Well, it would be useless around my neck then :rofl:

taxes not included in USD price

Do the aftertouch and pitch/mod wheel get recorded to the sequencer with live sequence recording?

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It seems like the layout from left to right should go mod wheels, keyboard, and then DT. Not hating, just considering ergonomics, still fun/immediate either way.

That would only be cool then for the left handed then…

I think it’s a nice move they did with the Digitone Keys. It really opens up this incredible synth. The Design is very special. So, maybe not appealing to everyone. Dedicated and/or customizable knobs are a good thing. Separate outs are awesome. The only feature I would have really wanted to see, is an easier access to the effect settings. They are still “hidden” under a two-button-press combo. Some dedicated knobs for this would’ve make this synth even more powerful.

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Nice one! Do you also have those nice smooth KOMPLEMENT sliding shelves? I love them!

You can assign any parameter to one of the new control knobs

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You can apply any FX parameter to any of the 8 knobs above the keyboard. Or to Mod/Pitch Wheel…

I think the design could work, although yeah it visually seems off - that could just be a bit of prejudice though too. Not sure how it would feel to actually play.

I’ve had a DN for just a few weeks. I do think some important stuff (key scaling, portamento) is buried in menus (or double-presses) and they’ve brought some of that to the front with the extra buttons which I like.

One thing no one has mentioned (I don’t think): with the extra room I’d have liked to have a bigger screen.

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Yes, I know that, but just for the more dedicated knobs approach, it would have been nice to have a better immediate access to the whole section. I’m just comparing this to the A4/AK.

I love the form factor and what they’ve done with this synth - I’ve always wanted an SFX6.

But there’s one crucial feature that the Analog Keys and the SFX6 has that this one does not - LEDs above each note of the keyboard. This has been a critical aspect of my user experience with the Analog Keys. You have a polyphonic sequencer and a keyboard - why not make it easier to see what’s happening with a sequence? Doh.

Hope they include that in an MKII.


This seems like such a missed opportunity to me. I don’t understand why they don’t take a more modular approach. I mean, how cool would it have been with something like “Elektron Overbridge Keys”? Imagine a this as a standalone keyboard with the same feature set but no Digitone slapped next to it. Instead it can connect to either Digitakt, Digitone, Analog 4, Analog Rytm or Octratrack through a version of the Overbridge protocol. This way it could keep the 8 separate outputs and add the cool features like portamento and more dedicated buttons while both being cheaper as well as potentially selling a lot more. Agree with the idea for adding lights on each of the keyboards keys to highlight the sequence and help you program the notes of your patterns; it would be a great addition to the Digi-products especially.


Oh fun not a new thing or an update to an existing thing… just something we already knew about. fun i guess.

The DK looks different, and that’s a good thing. Fortunately it doesn’t looks like this. But many people, many opinions.

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