Introducing Digitakt

Strange that the master page was mentioned as a hidden part of the Digitakt (during events)
And when it is released, it only contains volume levels.

But maybe in the future there will be more


Probably intended there to be more but it didn’t make the release OS I would guess.


An idea about the bank of sounds in the machine?
Cenk would it contribute? Are the Elektron pack?

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look who liked that post ;D




It’s also possible that the Master section as we know it now wasn’t complete in the build Cenk was showcasing. I too was hyped to find out what the Master was but in hindsight it’s not like Cenk promised an awesome surprise or anything like that.

I have a question regarding Overbridge Premium: has anyone from Elektron confirmed that the additional price tag on it will imply a deeper development/maintenance of the software? I have an Analog Heat wich is literally impossible to use with OB - I created a support ticket and the only solution I was given was updating my OS - I’m on OSX 10.9.5 and, due to compatibility with other software, I can’t upgrade. I would expect backwards compatibilty to a certain degree, and I’m wondering if I would have the same result as with the AH.

no official word on this afaik, but I wouldn’t count on legacy OS support being a big priority… OB drivers seem to be tricky enough to keep going on recent OSes… just an observation.

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Right. I don’t know about any of that, but I think charging for Overbridge is going to be a huge mistake.

A lot of people have had and continue to have issues with overbridge in the other machines. Many of which aren’t happy.

I can only imagine how upset some people are going to be when it doesn’t work and they paid extra for it. Terrible decision by Elektron. The bitching and moaning is coming.

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Hope this is the case.
I’ll happily trade hard earned dollars for a DT w/ master compressor built in.


Another vote for a master bus compressor. Very good place to have one.

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What’s next for Elektron ?

Reference to the marvellous Subaquatic demo ! :thup:


15 posts were split to a new topic: Microphone to connect to sampler?

Aaargh! I’ve been at home all day waiting for the delivery and just now I received an email from UPS saying that they tried to deliver but couldn’t reach me. What a load of s**t! Now I have to wait until next Tuesday. :rage:


Nice mock up. :slight_smile: Two tracks? Mono is more authentic.

BTW I like the envelope design you’ve included here which I note seems to update really quickly on those instagram videos out of Masaki Takada.

Now just waiting for some kind soul to post a video of a DT self injecting Midi Pg Chg commands…


If you call and bitch hard enough they will send the driver back. He probably skipped you. Happens all the time. Call!!

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I believe this is a digitakt on the floor of jonwayne’s studio lol

Cenk has a vid about to drop according to his FB page.

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Perhaps Overbridge Premium buyers will get DT premium reward features like access to Cenks personal collection of sitar samples, and the hidden 5 button key press combo that reveals an onboard compressor ???


I’m so thirsty for videos I’ve been lurking on twitter and instagram looking for #digitakt hashtag posts