Introducing Digitakt

I was new to Elektron with the AR and was there at the beginning with my preorder from a store. I too grew impatient and, in retrospect, maybe a little heated. (To be fair, I doubt Elektron gives stores any more information (eg a release date) then they give everyone else, so blame the stores for that one.)

But they eventually delivered. And it was good.

From the outset there was a ring mod BD advertised. Over time nothing came to fruition while Elektron kept saying that it was still coming.

But they eventually delivered it plus 11 other machines. And it was good. So good in fact it effectively shut down the raging new machines thread.

OT bugs/FX, A4 poly, probably other things I wasn’t around for…

People. Elektron always delivers. And it is always good.


Dont open that can of worms.

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I’m just saying…


We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.


Always reminds me of this classic Gonz part :slight_smile: -


yes, and we invent the new Tones, haha

( how can i quote in this forum ? )

When we had the pre-orders go live we stated shipping in May - this has not changed!

Also, loving the memes. Very good.
(What do I even do with that many tomahawks?)


The game is you have to preorder at full price then find a competitor offering a cheaper price. You go back to your seller and tell them “Hey, the other guys are offering me at a low price, what can you offer me or do I have to buy from them?” There, they’ll either price match or offer a lower price. It was easy for me because the unit was on preorder, gave me plenty of time to find deals.

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Move to another country before the 1st of june 2017 ! :grin:


Ha they deliver eventually, years later, or when they are called out and threatened with tomahawks, homelessness, Karl Marx, turbo capitalism, god, and broken :violin: s

Inputs are stereo since it will be possible to use it as a sound card via Overbridge.

Outputs are stereo since, while the source is mono (samples), they are stereo tracks in that you can pan them, and the effects are stereo as well of course.

Wireless control from iPad? Hmm, there’s certainly some gadget for that.

Coffee with the master button? Yes.



ditto, used the easter weekend coupon, but there was a st patty day coupon before that.

So the Master button will stir my beats pitched black, no sugar and cream please.

In a bid to restore some normality, here’s a serious question:

Will I be able to solo as well as mute a track? And were my eyes deceiving me when it appeared that the dude Thavius Beck was hands-free* muting tracks in the Instagram video mentioned further up this thread…that now seems to be gone from TB’s Instagram feed. Hmm.

*Hands-free as in not having to hold FUNC + another button to perform the mute. Somehow he’d been able to latch the mute function on so he had a whole 10 fingers and thumbs free to mute and un-mute.

I hope I didn’t just imagine this.

The master button will give your beats the jitters, stained teeth and bad breath. That’s how powerful it is!

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That’s what I saw too. Same way the Rytm operates, but the Rytm as a mute page. The FUNC button seems to enable “quick mutes”. My guess is that the track only mutes when the FUNC + button is held*. This raises another major question for me: On the Rytm when you mute a sample track, that sample will continue to play for as long as it is or based on the envelope. It can be cool for transitions and stuff, but also can be really annoying. I hope there are more sample playback options on the Digitakt to work around this. I would love to be able to choose whether the sample completely cuts off when muted or plays out/fades out.

  • In “quick mute mode”
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5 posts were split to a new topic: Off topic Side discussion from Digitakt thread

MASTER button is just an alt difficulty level. For DT jedi. Cuts available tracks to one. Kills the screen. Throws random p-locks at you that flash on pads and you have to wack-a-mole them. Ninjas only…


@BTS.WRKNG :smiley: