Introducing Digitakt

So you can save a track’s sample + settings as a global patch? If so that’s a good move. Requested that feature for OT a couple of times on here :wink:
Can you save multiple tracks as a kit?

Erm, if that’s what you’re looking for you might wanna check out Akai’s website for future products about to be released :wink:

Any sign of a ctrl-all fuction of any kind on the DT Ollie?
(crosses fingers)


Not in the OT but in the A4 and Rytm this is how it works already.

Kits will work a bit differently than before and will be more tied to a pattern. You will not need to save the Kits anymore and there is nothing called Kits in the unit. But some of the Kit functionality is still there.


I meant as capable as an MPC1000 JJOS, but elektron style. I had a few MPCs and I am not interested in the LIVE or X. Had the Touch but apart from the pads and the actual slicing I didn´t like it much.

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How about on DT?

Yes. Sounds are there and can be recalled per step.


Thanks for reply. Can you save/browse/recall drumkits globally? Doesn’t sound like you can?

No. Kits are confusing for a lot of people and removing this makes it easier and quicker to work with as a beginner. Some of the Kit functionality is still there. You will not loose much as an advanced user, but it does not work the same way. No more need to save the Kits as most things are saved to the Pattern e.g BPM.


Any sign of a ctrl-all fuction of any kind on the DT Ollie?
(crosses fingers)


Cue avalanche…

it’s all making sense now…


BPM saved with the pattern? Wow, finally!!
I agree that kits create more confusion than they help.


so you are familiar, then

Cool about the bpm per pattern :slight_smile:

Global kits would have been cool tho. I don’t see how they would be any more confusing for a beginner than global sounds if they were implemented in exactly the same way? You want to load a sound - browse sounds, load a sound. You want to load a ‘drumkit’ - browse drumkits, load a drumkit. There are other way more complicated/advanced concepts than that onboard for beginners to grasp :wink:


Sampling is cool too

Hate to bother you @Olle but could you possibly advise whether there will be direct pattern jump, and if so with quantise options?
That together with the BPM locked to pattern would pretty much make me order this very same day!!!



Yeah obvs :wink: I mean I’d find cross-project saving/browsing/loading kits just as useful for drumkits/percussion I’ve made from field recordings/youtube etc just as much as using it for a library of vintage drum machines etc. Like if it’s there for sounds, then seems just as valid to have it there for kits? Guess it’s just me…

This is some major info!


I do same thing (let have some example):cb:
hang on

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