Innovative companies to watch

Not sure I can add much

Make Noise

the only innovation here is the price… neutron is cool, sounds good, but it’s yet another semi-modular with fairly common signal path. Does it have special/uncommon features ? Not so much. It does give a lot of bang for the buck. Same with Deepmind series, aside from augmented reality.

But yes, they’ve just begun, you’re right about that and I’m sure they’ll show a lot in the future.

Yeah. I’m looking for crazy shit, tbh.

Tasty Chips seemed to be off to a great start, then kinda got slowed down

If you’re up for it, some iPad apps are wild.


That granular box they released was a cool concept. But it felt a little limited for the price. Hopefully MKII has some deeper things going on.

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Oh yeah. I have a few apps I really like. Some FM drums, Samplr, Boarderlands.

Ok, well my reply would be…

It’s all been done…

I would list Noise Engineering. They do awesome modules with a digital character… harsh, agressive, things you don’t hear a lot elsewhere. And they keep pushing this.


Thanks for trying though. I do appreciate it.

Nozoid have a couple interesting synths.

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Nice. Haven’t heard of them.

i see most interesting things in eurorack and ios


Ugh, okay then. I guess it’s time to empty that 401k :joy:

and guitar pedals maybe. but I don‘t buy them anymore.
count to 5 is very impressive

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Trying? :joy:

Chase bliss too :slight_smile:

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Meris has some awesome pedals, can’t wait to get my hands on a Polymoon


Oh yeah! That Mercury reverb sounds fantastic, too.

I have a Meris Enzo. Brilliant pedal!
If we’re talking pedals, Montreal Assembly too!