Incoming MIDI message automatically routed to same MIDI output

HI All,

Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem: I have MIDI messages coming into the Octatrack and it automatically routes the same message back to the place it came from. This happens regardless of whether or not I have the Auto channel set or Direct Connect on, and when I’m sending program change messages to the Octatrack, is independent of the selected channel, and also happens when not in MIDI mode.

I’m using the Lemur app to set up pattern recall with PC messages, but the bi-directional nature of both devices creates a doubling of the message each time and therefore undesirable results.

Essentially I want to Octatrack to respond to, and send out PC messages, but not to re-send incoming messages back out.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


Did you check Prog Change Send and Receive in midi Sync menu?
If they are unchecked, does it also send back the program change?

I have send set to On Ch Auto and receive set to off. I need the send on, but as a test I checked with both off and the message still comes in and straight back out.

Have you tried switching your focused channel ( the “active” one in the OT interface) to something other than the channel that you are having problems with? If IRC, when OT receives a message on the same channel that is set for a particular track, and you are “on” that track, the message is passed to the midi out. Choosing a different track, or one that does not have a midi channel assigned, will stop the message passing to midi out.

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Beware, in Midi Sync page, Auto is the lowest audio channel, NOT Auto Channel.
What are your midi channels settings?

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Interesting points…Zac, yes I’ve tried that, it happens regardless of channel selection,
and even when not in MIDI mode. Good suggestion however…regarding the Auto channel setting, I didn’t bother to look that up because I assumed it must mean the auto channel so that’s really good to know. The thing is, accordingy to MIDI Monitor, it’s going out on the same channel. I have audio tracks set to ch 1-8 and MIDI tracks 9-15, with 16 as my auto. I’m doing some port filtering with my MIDI interface as a work around but I’d like to figure out what exactly is going on here. If I get to the bottom of this, I’ll post an update accordingly.

I don’t know what interface you’re using, but this is not necessarily a OT-only issue: it could be a routing in your interface. I use a iCM4+ and it’s very easy to inadvertently create confusion

Yep…that’s what I’m using, and I would agree !

in case it helps I’ll point of that if using OT autochannel with cc direct connect enabled OR a midi channel that is set on a midi track with or without cc direct connect enabled, the OT will echo back.

If sent to a channel assigned to a midi track it will echo back regardless if the channel is selected or if your in midi mode or audio mode…

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What would be a pratical application of this design?

Thank you Mike, yes that seem to be the case. Problematic in my particular set up as the object MIDI out in Lemur is bi-directional, so without port filtering, I have a feedback loop.

I’m also wondering that…

The specific midi channel behavior allows to to for example to route multiple synths through the OT so you can live record them, use midi learn for cc’s, and play them over the sequence without having to be anywhere particular in the OT UI, say there’s 5 synths being sequenced while your on the audio side and you can still play them just by touching them. (They are on local off to use live midi record)

Another example for specific midi channel behavior is to use one master midi keyboard to control multiple other midi synths assigned to OT midi tracks by changing channel on the master keyboard itself, again without needing to be anywhere particular in the OT UI…

I’m sure there’s more use cases…


I use my Little Phatty as a master keyboard and I can press a button on it that turns off its audio output, and by selecting channel on it I play IPad or DAW synths that are assigned to and also sequenced by OT midi tracks. As long as the arp is off you can have the midi sequences muted and I can live play various synths from Phatty channel selection, and using quick mute mode bring in and out the sequences…

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Interesting stuff Mike, it’s always useful to read about other people’s set up. I have three synths on discrete channels and tracks sequenced by the Octatrack, but only one has a keyboard, and so must be a controller for the other two, so I have to use the Auto channel and select the tracks to play them.

One thing Sezare’s ealier point made me wonder however, if the MIDI sync program change send channels settings determine on which channel it will send PC messages, doesn’t this contradict the fact that with each MIDI track has it’s own settings for channel and program changes on the Note page, which are sent out as pc messages on part change? - that’s the behaviour I’m seeing with MIDI monitor at least.

Independent channels for PChanges sent in midi tracks and Sync menu. Different settings.

BUT, I wouldn’t use AUTO (nor Auto Channel btw) in Sync menu. As it correspond to the lowest channel of audio tracks (Midi > Channels), channel 1 by default, if you use a midi track with channel 1, I think the lowest channel become channel 2!

Seems weird, but that the case for crossfader scenes midi channel for CC send, which use the lowest non shared midi channel.

I have to check that again, I don’t thank you! :smile:

Confirmed. If you use AUTO for Pchange channel in Sync page, it uses lowest audio track channel not shared with a midi track channel.
If channels 1,2,3 are shared, Sync Pc change channel is 4.
Not written in the manual AFAIK.
Somebody said OT was simple?

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Except if the midi track channel is the same as Auto channel! It act as if CC DIRECT CONNECT is off in that case. :loopy:

Can your keyboard switch midi channel? If so instead of selecting the track and using the auto channel you can just switch the keyboard to the various midi channels to play your other synths no matter where you are or what your doing on OT, if you want.

OT has two types of PC send, sync menu and midi tracks, I don’t have much time right now to splain.

What a mess…

Yess. So anyway even with auto channel, cc direct connect off, it seems to send back notes and PChange (not Control Changes).

What was the question? :smile:
@kodyjones seriously, do you use those PChange for patterns, synth patches or both?