Improved build quality on the Model:Samples?

Hi all,

I’m currently thinking about buying a M:S. AFAIK the build quality wasn’t the best, but the M:C seems to be improved a lot. Does anybody know if newer models of the M:S have the same build quality as the M:C, better than the ones in the beginning?


The popping buttons problem was solved after the first batches I think. Mine is fairly recent and it’s solid as fuck.


Mine seems fine, a tiny but spongey on the buttons.

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Glad to hear that! So you didn’t have any problems with the buttons whatsoever, especially the FUNC one?

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As long as it’s just spongey and I don’t have to worry they get stuck or fly off I’m fine with it. Had a lot of electribes which were also kind of spongey :slight_smile:

They’re hard rubber, i’m just pushing them now trying to make them stick and, I do not see it being possible. Plus it was about 36c in here all day yesterday.


My M:S is in for repair after just 3 months. The stop button was sticking and wouldn’t pop back up immediately and the tempo button above it lost its ‘click’.

I know it’s under warranty for 3 years but thats not a fix for bad design. I saw a Model Cycles vid by Stimming and he mentioned his M:S keybed had to be repaired 4 times!

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Stimming hammers the fuck out of his gears though, plus he tours with it which can shorten their lifespan a bit.


Had an M:C a couple of months ago. Sold it. Got a new M:S yesterday. Nothing wrong with the build - feels exactly the same as the M:C. The pads are great for my needs as long as the VDep menu parameter is dropped to 30-40ish. Even hitting the corner of them produces the desired velocity. I love ‘double-pedalling’ the kick drum with two fingers haha.


Sure excessive use is a factor but I don’t think I’ve been using mine excessively. I’m only complaining because I want to get more than 3 years use out of it! :slight_smile:

I think in all honesty, the best way to stop worrying about these kind of issues is just to learn a bit of soldering or sautering as Americans bizarrely call it. :slight_smile:

I’m no expert or even intermediate, but a lot of common issues are pretty easy to fix and very cheap. Also Elektron will send you parts and instructions for what seem to be very low prices.

I learned that 95% of the time, when one earphone stops working, it’s because the cable solder point has broken off, takes about 40 seconds to fix…before that I’d just buy a new pair.

Seems to be a hugely worthwhile skill to have if you’re interested in music, I’ve been watching that Techmoan guy on youtube recently and he’s picking up all this werid af esoteric music playback stuff, broken, for pennies and the fixes are so often so simple…


The problem with the M:S is (was?) not really a soldering issue but the buttons coming out of the sockets after some usage. And the real issue came from the fact that all the buttons are part of the same big rubber part, which meant that when a button popped out it was because it was cut from that big part and impossible to merge it back with the rest again.
I had this problem with my FUNC button, brought it back to the store where I bought it, and was notified that they would replace the unit, which to me indicates that their changed the build. And I have not had a problem since.


mine’s always been fine, except now the lighter print is fading off. pretty annoyed by this, especially since i hardly ever have time for music so it’s not from overuse. sucks!

No, I think it was the opposite—the buttons weren’t originally one big sheet. The replacement that Elektron sends is a whole sheet.

That said, my M:S seems to be one of the original batch with individual buttons and has been fine.

I have a M:S from the first batch, and have had a M:C for months now. They both feel the same. Never had a problem with either. Pretty solid builds if you ask me.


had one M:S from the first batch, nothing wrong with it but buttons felt ‘loose’.

sold it. missed it.

got one recently, I can tell that buttons feel more firm.

build quality feels better.

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I’m no solderer, I would be no good with delicate stuff. I’m not dismissing the idea, but I would probably have to get a friend to do it :slight_smile:

I think the problem with the M:S buttons is because they’re so wobbly, they’re not always centered when they are pressed, especially when you get carried away in the moment and aren’t fully paying attention.

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Hmm, well that’s the reason support gave me for why I had to send it back when I told them and I bought it in march 2019 so i’m pretty sure it was from an early batch

Ah yes, you’re right:

Sorry, somehow I thought you implied that Elektron were replacing the button sheets with individual buttons!

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I have a fairly new MS and it has had zero build issues so far.

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