Importance of reading Elektron manuals :3lektron:

I just want to give the general advice of how important it is to read the manual for Elektron devices. I answer many questions on the forum and this is not a RTFM but more of a recommendation.
Elektron machines are very complex and have many subtle details. It is important to read the manual thoroughly to be able to fully utilize the gear. Even if one were to ask questions all the time on the forum they would still probably miss some things unless psychically able to ask all the proper questions to reveal the entire manual. :grinning:
Not only that but many simple features are easily explained and all you have to do is go to the section of the manual for the area your working on, and read through itā€¦
The forum is a great place to ask questions to overcome roadblocks, explain concepts that are confusing, and seek help and collaboration for advanced techniques. People, including me, will answer basic questions but only because weā€™ve read the manualsā€¦

This not only keeps clutter and redundancy on the forum down, but usually answers a pile of questions much quicker than heading straight to asking the nautsā€¦
Seriously this is not a RTFM, this is for your own good, as youā€™ll be up and running much quicker with at least a read through, and quite possibly youā€™ll never fully realize the machine without reading itā€¦
Just a friendly neighborhood reminderā€¦ Good vibes to all! :ecstatic:


Good advice. Every time I read AK or OT manual I find a new feature/button Shortcut etc. I could do with reading them both at least once again tbh :wink:


Yep, ā€œevery timeā€ I read the manuals I pick up something new as wellā€¦ :wink:


ā€¦ search the forum too ā€¦ for questions you know deep down will have been asked before :thup:

doing the basics is a courtesy to those that are prepared to help you out with the trickier stuff ā€¦ plus helping others out is a good thing to aim to do in return


Oh lord. I canā€™t tell yā€™all how many times I read all the manuals for my gear (A4, MM, MD, OT) before I even received them in the mail. I have them printed and annotated in binders. Itā€™s amazing how deep and descriptive they are, though sometimes theyā€™re a bit confusing. But yes, read the damn manual!


Plus, itā€™s fun!!


It needs to be said that Elektron manuals are particularly enjoyable to read compared to other brands because for those, you usually just read parts of the manual to find how to do something but reading through the whole thing in one go can be somewhat painful sometimes.
Elektronā€™s are descriptive without becoming redundant, it does a good job at showing you what the machine can do while inviting you to be creative with it and explore it. Iā€™ve always felt like the more you read the manual, the more the machines thank you for it. :thup:


Not to mention, that if you read the manuals, you make me feel that what I do at work has some kind of meaning :stuck_out_tongue:


:slight_smile: For the next manual you could try flipping things on their head and just have one sheet of paper with ā€˜ATFFā€™ printed on it (Ask The F#%King Forum) :wink:


No doubt the manuals are essential reading, I also find the summary key combo shortcut pages that either elektron or some helpful user puts together can be very useful too to quickly show you the full extent of what is available


Itā€™s tempting, but I donā€™t even dare to think about the avalanche of mails that would swamp our support department if I tried that approach to the manuals :wink:


With the upmost respect to @Open_Mike - whilst I do agree with the general sentiment of this topic, it should be acknowledged that across the product line, the quality of the manuals is best described as ā€œinconsistentā€, and Iā€™ve heard more colourful language used to describe them (hint: brown).

Fancy a tussle with a trigless lock? Or a trigged trigless trig? Wanna learn how to simply save your work so you never lose it?

RTFM and Bon chance!


I guess I am the only one that finds the manual lacking in detail and kinda vague then.
I do however 100% agree with the RTFM!
At least they arenā€™t as poorly writen as the JJOS manuals, but those are more complete and with plenty o pictures

Even if the manuals are confusing it helps to read it first to even be able to ask the right questionā€¦
If it doesnā€™t make sense then folks are here to help but itā€™s 110% worth at least reading it firstā€¦
Even an answer from the forum will make more sense if the manual has been read at least onceā€¦


I think elektron manuals are for the most part really good and easy to read. I like it when a company expresses some enthusiasm for the product (usually in the intro) and put the effort into adding details. Iā€™m not kidding that I think theyā€™re fun to read.

I wouldnā€™t mind an elektron produced version of the manual for the TE OP-1 :slight_smile:


The Digitakt manual is really good. Short, good design, simple words, some more visualisation could be niceā€¦ but

Especially compared to OT this one is much better.


Absolutely agree here. Seems E. learned their lesson too with the DT. Great read! I love the quick referenc Guide.

Before I ask a question in the forum, I use the ā€œfindā€ feature in my PDF reader to search the Elektron PDF manual with the keywords that would have been in my forum question.

As such, I donā€™t ask many questions on the forum.
Happy to answer so many, though.


Ha, I made this when DT came out as we were getting lots of easy questions and was worried people would keep logging in to ask how to turn it on :grinning:, seems normalicy has mostly been restoredā€¦ :ecstatic:

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