I'm searching for a modwheel

@gerkinear I was actually planning on doing exactly that.

Check out www.sidekicks.fr I made as well an expression crossfader (currently out of stock) :slight_smile:

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One problem to consider is that a small device with one wheel won’t sit where you put it. You need something heavy, or that you can anchor.

Sorry if this is an obvious point! But sometimes the most practical aspect gets forgotten.

That’s a freaking cool idea. You gonna make more?

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Well, it is a prototype… I wish I had more time :joy:

edit: cables are inside, I didn’t found my breadboard…
I’m quite not ready to use this, but anyway - this is just to check it out if it works.
My plan is to make a small wooden box with metal floor (covered with another wood) for weight and four knobs to modulate. But first this… I hope I can make it next week, I’ve got no time, it’s a bummer.

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Yes it’s planned :slight_smile: