I'm genuinely thinking about buying a laptop and Ableton. Talk me out of it


You could use an external hard drive, I did this last week to test out Ventura with a few things before upgrading the internal drive. If on M1 you just long press the start button for about 10 seconds to bring up the boot menu or you can select startup disk in preferences in MACOS. You can even still access the internal drive.

I used a 256gb SSD in a USB 3 enclosure. The only thing was if both drives are called “Mackintosh HD” they are treated as merged drives I think, I changed the name of the internal drive afterwords and they then became distinct drives. It was confusing until I did that and I’d do that before installing when doing it again.

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So what options are there for simple midi controllers with only endless encoders for using with ableton? I can only see midifighter twister and the Faderfox EC4. Anything else to consider?

You can use literally anything that sends midi.
The Novation devices are all pretty simple but really effective… the Control XL and LaunchPad series all do a job.

I haven’t got one, so others can chime in, but the Akai APC40 is the one I’ve been tempted by for a while… I like faders and controls, which it has.

Or are they?

Launch key mini. I got one for less than $100 and it’s so good. Integrates with ableton perfectly so you can control your plugins with zero thought. Has little drum pads.knobs that automap to plugins. A chorder/ arp. I have that with an oxi one and they take up minimal space while being insanely powerful. Does about anything I need.

Had a nOb, and midi fighter and a faderfox. All were nice but the last two needed scripts and all sorts of fiddling around to work on ableton. The nOb was solid but overkill and expensive.

The cheap little novation stays.


I was looking for knobs controllers as well and Faderfox/Midifighter are the only options I could find any real feedback about, I did find other options but could not find any valuable reviews/opinions:


btw eventually I ordered the EC4 because it has physical midi out, so I can use it to connect to DN/AR directly without a midi host, and it has a screen and so I can program the DN/AR things there and not get confused what is what… still waiting for it to arrive, didn’t actually used it yet though.

I have it too, great controller for ableton and it has a midi out so you can connect directly to midi gear, the arp with mutate/deviate is really cool!
but the encoders are not endless and they are tiny, as a person with larger fingers I did not enjoy twisting them so much :slight_smile:
also I don’t use the session clips so much so I don’t use it, but if you do record your things to clips it’s really good and easy, overall great controller and very cheap!

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I’ve only read the OP, so without context of the rest of the thread, my 2 cents is I’m in a similar boat with the hardware frustrations of the OP, but it’s still better than the inevitable choice paralysis I get when I try to complete a track in Ableton.

I love Ableton. It’s a blast to use and it’s brilliant in its functionality. But for me, on every level, there is just too much choice and capability to actually create anything. Whenever I try, I end up making things too complicated, over-produced. Too many plugins, samples, effects, patches, modulation options, etc., to consider.

Just give me a Digitakt and a mono-synth and i’m good (in theory).

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There is so much for you to catch up with then :wink:

@Fin25, i’m at home full time with a 6 year old and a 9 year old. with school holidays, budget cuts, sick days, it seems like one or both kids are at home every day even during the school year. I feel your pain. I think you’re probably doing the right thing. And if you’re not, at least you’re trying to figure out how to integrate music making into a busy and stressful life. Don’t listen to these Mac vs PC folks. You gotta do you.


I mean that’s the bottom line isn’t. Whatever werks for you, werks best. Doesn’t matter what the setup is. :+1:t6:


It’s so very different from hardware. It’s designed for accomplishing specific goals - so it’s like, it assumes you know what to do from having extensive prior experience with gear. They’re trying to make it more inspirational, but it’s still a computer so you’ll always be dealing with BS. Unless you are very careful … and getting a dedicated machine is a really good idea to avoid some of the BS …

I think screwing around with a couple Elektrons and recording that is way more fun and fluid than doing it all in the box. Maybe lower your expectations of yourself and just set things up to have the most fun in those 30 min spurts … 20 min prep, 10 min recording?

In short I think you’re daft if you think a computer is gonna save you time XD “with great power comes great responsibility” as they say. Just embrace the limitations of the hardware because if time is your enemy a computer ain’t gonna save you.

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Is that you?

Maybe think before replying?

It wasn’t meant to be disparaging if that’s what you’re referring to. Actually I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make…

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If my post wasn’t kind-sounding enough, I’ve struggled with perfectionism myself so that’s why lowering expectations is my best advice when it comes to gear. Not necessarily lowering standards of what sounds good but moving on from how you think things oughtta work


I find your post tone deaf and almost rude. Especially knowing that you was stressing yourself over the perfect setup earlier this year. The volume and quality of feedback you received on this forum regarding your concerns I could only describe as a free therapy session. At the same time it looks like you didn’t even read past first paragraph of OP to jump straight to suggesting “just embracing limitations” when those limitations where the reason for OP to look into laptops and DAWs.

Not true, I read it and my stance is don’t follow the siren call of computers. He asked us to talk him out of it…

EDIT: didn’t realize how late to the party i was. I don’t think my post was rude, just really out of touch with the saga. I’m going to bed now. Nothing to see here…


I think the BEST advice you can give is “just have fun, make music the way that suits you best” :slight_smile:

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