I'm genuinely thinking about buying a laptop and Ableton. Talk me out of it

throw a limiter on the master so you won’t blow the speakers by mistake… especially if you put couple of Amp instances after the Wavetable :wink:

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pretty sure with a wi-fi teensy and one of those little oled screens this is definuitely a go-er.

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Maybe look into something like this …


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A falling Macbook Air has no handle.

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One thing I was wondering, and maybe you mentioned it somewhere, but do you use an external screen?

M1 MacBook Air, 8GB RAM.


My wife’s got two that she uses for work on her desk, which is right next to my desk.

Well I’m not gonna try to pretend to know if she’s the sharing kind, but an external screen makes it all so much better. You could even have a mixer view on the laptop screen and the arrangement or session view on the external. Or the other way around

Accidentally put this in the wrong thread earlier:

Welcome to the dark side.

I’ll go ahead and recommend my favorite M4L sequencer:


Otherwise, yea two screens is nice. Or a real big one. I love my 32” LG 4K display in my studio. But for the MB Air, with all its portability and battery power, keeping it simple and hitting that tab key to switch views is what makes it such an ideal portable groovebox


Sure, but if you’re at the desk anyways, you don’t need the portability. And ixnay on the xmax4livesay. I think he might pop

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It’s a long thread, and maybe it’s already been said, but based on your comment about buying and selling hardware i’d recommend staying away from buying plugins. It’s a truly bottomless pit of distraction and something like Ableton has everything you need.


Don’t worry, I won’t be buying much of that. Ableton and MAX seem to have all my needs covered.


But everyone loves spending your money!


Nice one! It kinda reminds me of the new Matriceal mode on the OXI One. Which happens to be my favorite peripheral for Ableton. My backpack setup is the MacBook and the OXI. And the midi fighter twister because…knobs.

Pick up some of the excellent free plugins available

Valhalla have few excellent ones


My one and only reverb. It’s perfect. Dark Matter preset twisted to my own needs is :ok_hand:

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Just downloaded that free Valhalla thingy.

Absolute nonsense.

Now I get where that massive smeary reverb sound thats been all over everything comes from.

It is fun though, me and my boy have just been playing Sitar patches on Operator through it and a bunch of amp sims.


Fin’s LoFi Beats


I have to admit I’m quite enjoying this.


Macs would be a lot less annoying if they were thoroughly shitty. Instead, they are 95% awesome, but that last 5% is like watching a gnat take off from a dog turd outside the pub and then land in your pint.