I'm genuinely thinking about buying a laptop and Ableton. Talk me out of it

In that case, you just need to write up a business plan explaining how you plan to operate a record label that will own a well-equipped music studio and support and publish artists such as yourself. A seed round of $200k should get you started and she can probably introduce you to investors. Be sure to give the investors B shares, and keep control of the company within 95% of the A shares (which you own).

Bonus: if she holds grudges against anyone, they can invest in the C shares, which are NFTs.


This is the way


If you’re getting a Mac, whatever it is, aim for an M1 one.
Especially if you’re getting a laptop… I came to my 2021 M1 MBP from a well spec’d 2018 Intel MBP, and they’re night and day for running Ableton, the noise/fanless thing, and heat generating, no more thigh/ball burn.
It’s one of those buys that’s annoying at the time, but you soon forget about it and appreciate what you have.


I believe @Fin25 lives in the UK, which means he will prefer a quad-Xeon 1U server powered by a nuclear battery to avoid freezing to death.


What’s wrong with M2

That Elektronauts ‘Light Mode’ is blinding…



Abe is fun, but as torn as I am to say this, especially since I was anti-Apple brigade since I hit puberty, there comes a time when one must admit defeat. Apparently all windows machines add a 6-10ms latency to audio prior to even starting apps (can read here). Still don’t own an apple product, but that’s because of budget, but if I had to have a computer process audio I would lean towards them. By limiting their product line, they were able to really dive into drivers on a handful of products vs the several windows machines available, and able to acheive much more favorable results on a latency level vs windows.

Saying this using abelton 10 for the past almost 3 years on an older watercooled 4790k overkill windows machine with 32gb ram, using a windows 10 that I disabled an insane amount of processes on, and still experiencing lag :man_shrugging: Just my two cents.

edit: just read your post @brisket agree, unfortunately. I have to take a shower now, though. Why is it like this?


Presuming cost.

Or a M2 of course. Anywho, both the M1 and M2’s are so unbelievable fast, the difference is very noticeable in everything, especially with demanding applications like Ableton.

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MacBook Air M1 is awesome. Below 1k, really fast and it does not have a fan.

Just a generic answer to whom it may concern


Get any M, ideally one from Waldorf


That’s the moderator flash light :stuck_out_tongue:

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m1 air here too. unreal good. Best audio machine I’ve ever had. I’ve had a bunch o pc’s n a few macbookz in my time.

rock solid with usb elektron digi audio&midi too.

Wow, that’s a lot of activity after all arguments and facts have been exchanged. From my POV it would be the ideal moment for decisional balance sheet and - decision. It doesn’t get any better. But maybe this is some social thing like “My Amiga is better than your PC, although your PC has 256 colors and a hard disc”. (The poor only kid with Atari ST stood a little away - no one to swap disks with, no one to fight with. The poor other only kid with a Schneider CPC used to beat up others - so frustrated, well maybe other reasons, too).

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Here’s my number one top tip if you decide to get a laptop and abelton.

Absolutely do not connect the laptop to the internet. Ever.

Once ableton (and any othet bits you want) is installed. Disconnect from the net.

Do this and everything will run fine.

I have a windows laptop specifically for this purpose. Abelton and nothing else. Im running Ableton 9 ( i bought ableton suite 8 many years ago) and it works great laptop is as fast as the day i bought it.

I hardly ever use it. But when I do, it works.


Honestly, this is good general advice. I have a couple of devices that want to phone home, and I am not letting them. They’re on airplane mode forever.


It sounds like the OP is reconsidering, a Mac purchase, which I think is probably a good thing. One thing that may not have been mentioned, yet is how nicely Macs work with multiple external devices simultaneously, which, given his widely varying hardware, set up, will really come in handy. Right now, I am using mostly midi DIN cables to connect my music hardware to each other (through the MRCC midi hub). However, last year, I was using USB hubs to connect it all to my Mac as a central host. I also dabble in photography, and use my studio as both a music and photography development studio. At that time, with all of the synth and effects devices, and including 4 external hard drives, two printers, 3 monitors, a scanner, multiple controllers, keyboard, mouse, and the trackball, all combined for a total of 21 peripherals connected to my Mac pro, which was then 7 to 8 years, old, running on the most current operating system, and all flawlessly. I seriously cannot imagine doing something like that on a Windows machine. Maybe things have changed, but I recall having used windows in the past where three or four peripherals simultaneously would start to become fiddly and jumpy. even if you don’t have such a ridiculously complicated set up, when you connect peripherals to a Mac, by and large, you just don’t have to worry about things like drivers, device incompatibilities, ports confusion, background tasks, and all the rest of it. It’s all there in the operating system. I don’t want to exaggerate and say there is never a problem, because sometimes there is, but in almost every case, things connected to a Mac just work.

Let’s be frank, he wouldn’t be him if he wasn’t reconsidering.


No apology needed for me at least. I was watching video on it earlier. It seems pretty deep. And I’m only now getting more comfortable with some of the deeper parts of the OT, like using the arranger. Thanks for the info and the clip. Can you just sample directly via an apple cable that has that mic channel on it from external sources? Thanks again for the informative reply!

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