Seriously i would buy an other A4 tomorrow if it was possible to get a 8 voices A4. Hope they consider it.
You could CV sequence one to the other?
A master/slave setup for having a second A4 as a voice expander would do the trick. All in the OS…
Obvious feature for a future update, really.
I’ve had my A4 since day one. Bought an AK too on the hope that this would happen some day. ( that and the fact I can keep it in the bedroom and noodle till I pass out )
I recall an older post right before the release of the AK where it was stated by either Jon or Cenk at this was not in the plans. It would be awesome, and who knows what may come in the future, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
I guess I will throw in a “me too.”…would love to be able “stack” A4s to get a unified 8 voice.
Was this before or after the AK was announced? It seems like a no-brainer to be able to hook an A4 up to your AK if you want to extend its polyphony…
Was this before or after the AK was announced? It seems like a no-brainer to be able to hook an A4 up to your AK if you want to extend its polyphony…[/quote]
Was this before or after the AK was announced? It seems like a no-brainer to be able to hook an A4 up to your AK if you want to extend its polyphony…[/quote]
After AK had been announced but before release.
does seem like a fairly obvious assumption since DSI and Moog both have this ability with they’re synths and have had it since day 1.
MIDI syncing the two while setting up the proper CCs would be virtually the same right?
Could run the audio from one into the other as well but I’m interested in the performance knobs being able to control the parms on both machines simultaneously.
And I suppose a trig being able to trigger all 8 voices too.
Been saving up for a RYTM but I’m starting to really want keys for my A4 instead…
Trying to convince myself that having another A4 is a good idea.
(To me the RYTM is another A4 in a way)
Just remembered that none of what I said above will work.
I can only sync tempo and transport.
Would of edited the post but this site doesn’t like Safari on my iPhone and I have no computer when not at work.
Count me in on a Analog Four to supplement my Analog Keys if polychain was implemented
It’s possible - i’ve done it - just have to put the right settings .
Elektron seriously needs to add this functionality, both for users and as a business decision. It seems likely that there are going to be a lot more 4 voice poly analogs on the market over the next couple years, and the ability to polychain the A4/AK for up to 8 voices would give them an attractive advantage in the market.
ext midi keyboard, midi out to midi splitter, both midi signals into 2 a4
If nothing else, I’d like to see this implemented into Overbridge if not in the machines themselves. Not sure if OB might be an easier way to accomplish it, although ideally it would be standalone.
It’s possible - i’ve done it - just have to put the right settings .[/quote]
Heh, this is a blast from the past.
I did end up getting the AK to go with my A4 but still have not tried to chain them.
I like the simplicity of dual midi signals as suggested above but the keys has keys so…
For now I just use the midi mode on the AK to write stuff in the A4 and let it play in sequence. I have stacked the voices this way and liked it.