I’m really thinking time to swap octatrack for digitakt

cuz I use what I got…I don’t covet things I dont have. or wish they made a machine to my spec. some of the coolest shit has come from finding diff ways to do stuff [not from me, but from real musicians]

its called making do. and its fun. you dont have to have fun if you dont want man.
struggle on…

adding: thats actually false :slight_smile: I do want some other gear. when I get some money or a job. but I take a box for what it is. and werk with it any way I can or want to.
I was just suggesting if you feel limited in the LFO Dept, you dont have to be, and someone who doesn’t have the bucks for an OT, can do crazy shit on a DT. both boxes are super cool. and can go farther/[further?] if you want em to, with a little help


What’s the point of making different post then?
I understand your point but one of the main reason why I don’t use gearslutz forum is because I spent too much time scrolling comments that are not related to the post.

If I want to see an OTvsDT discussion I don’t want see suggestions outside that otherwise I would make/search “alternative to the OT/DT”

I’m not saying is suggestion is bad, it’s actually nice but I found useless if I want decide beetween OT and DT. Of course the op could find that useful but overall we comment also to help other people.

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there are still more outstanding differences, like scenes, and the fader, fewer octaves…etc etc.
but modulation doesnt need to be one.

and if you are opposed to computer, then you can use modular or use the OT on the DT :slight_smile: if you got the bucks.

This is a brilliant way of putting it. I never thought about it like that before. Niiiice.


Not what I said, but, whateves.
Many ways to skin a cat. If you rather not and complain about…your choice.

Point taken and totally valid. Elektronauts is friendly and inspiring. This the the only music forum I frequent for that very reason. I’d still come to read and post even if I didn’t own any Elektron gear.

But some more to contribute to the discussion are the user needs. I think if someone wants to do a hybrid DAW / Hardware setup the DT would be the better choice


  • Overbridge
  • no time stretch
  • no stereo sampling
  • stereo samples
  • No Overbridge
  • time stretch

To elaborate a bit more on timestretch: I don’t think anyone would argue that the OT can touch timestretch via the better software / algorithms we have right now via VSTs and DAWs. BUT from what I often see, people (including myself) go for the OT because we want to stay as far away from the DAW as we can until it’s time to start recording, so in that respect it’s a great tool to have at your disposal.

Here is another thread with some other pros / cons / opinions on the two (plus M:S) - Octatrack vs Digitakt vs Model:Samples


TBF, you have to be gentle with the time stretch for minimal artifacts


Or go mental with it to get a cool 90s glitchey vibe y//////e’,A—H…



It’s completely relevant to mention something different, as it might offer an alternative that hadn’t been considered or even just forgotten. It’s natural with these comparisons to go round in circles, or to get a little bit of tunnel vision. But you’re not locked into these choices. It’s ok to change your mind if an alternative is presented.

As @blaize mentioned above, the OT is deeper but performance orientated, the DT + Overbridge simpler but perhaps better for Production.

That simple breakdown, or seemingly irrelevant insights can change your whole perspective. It’s not necessarily obvious when your head’s cluttered with all these other spec comparisons and debates. Maybe sometimes a user might even appreciate support in making an alternative choice. The fantasy of getting an OT is extremely seductive but not always the right way to go.

It certainly reset my thoughts on the 2 machines, and I’ve owned several of both in the past.


Exactly. The idea of using Reaktor with the DT is really a testament to the power of the OB machines (and actually a purpose that Elektron obviously had in mind when making OB). That was the sort of thing I wanted the DT to be when I bought it. There are many way to use the tools we have at our disposal. That would definitely be something you should consider in this OT vs DT quandary a lot of folks seem to be in.




it was one single sentence about reaktor and about 4 long posts of you complaining about that.
Wondering what‘s more off topic in this thread :yawning_face:


Anyone who thinks it is time to swap gear should just do that. It’s easy! No other opinion is needed.



I don’t consider you or others stupid. You could have contributed the same points with much less hostility but now you’ve embarrassed yourself a little bit.




Why so angry ? The pure DT vs OT debate have no sense. Not the same ground. Each one are better than the other.
Adding a context around the use of each machine make more sense to compare them. So yeah, the DT have more weight when used with a computer.
It’s 2020, we all have a computer at home. Making gears that integrate with it is a smart move I guess.
Just stop to blame others people embracing new technologies.

New technologies a computer?
You think I’m against computer because I’m a stupid DAWless guy?
It’s like compare 2 synth, one with distorsion built in and one don’t, and somebody would say I can achieve the same thing if I pair with a distorsion pedal,no shit sherlock!

When you look at comparison beetween any products they won’t add anything extra to the equation. You want to compare 2 things, that’s it. Otherwise you would search solutions to enhance what you got.
Imagine being on the apple website comparing 2 macbook and a window pop up telling you can achieve the same with Windows. Really related to what you were looking for :+1:

Anyway my time here it’s done.

Flags are flying, please try to make your contribution more positive, and less an discussion between two hostile opponents.

In particular, it is unacceptable to throw anger or frustration to one another.

Stay civil please.


imagine this is a community forum and not a products page


You come across many examples of people who wanted to move away from their computer to make music. Some even go back to it or find some type of hybrid solution.

I see nothing wrong in bringing up the issue of DAW integration and OB when considering the DT vs OT discussion. People just change their approach from time to time.

Also no need for all this stress. It’s a forum. Just read and move on