Looks like a Shruthi-1 with programmer! Not convinced.
Another analog mono that I want? Why???
I’m a big time MI fan, but this is far from a Shruthi…
The use of alpha encoders on a small mono synth with a knob-per-function interface concerns me deeply.
Oh, and don’t get me wrong I am also a big MI fan
See Also: MFB Dominion X SED =)
indeed. But this has FX. & a sequencer.
wtf am I looking for - I need another analogue monosynth like I need a hole in the head…
And there are SO MANY analog monos currently being produced! It’s insane!
I come close to selling my A4 to go on a analog mono binge, but I always remember none will have the Elektron sequencer =)
I just checked the site. I am in a search for a monosynth, especially with a sequencer. Price is ok. Saving programs and encoders number is cool. Never heard of company tough…
Few questions:
- 16x4 sequencer means 64 per program, right?
- Since i never heard of that company what can i expect from it? Soundwise and build quality-wise?
- Can i control it with CV, with my A4? I see only one CV input…
waiting for ambika version with built-in programmer
Quote from site"
“*The encoders in final product will have better quality with no wobble.”
I have this baby now. to me, this is the best modern analog mono i’ve touched. Been through alot of analog monos, from dsi to waldorf to novation, but this is in another league.
I still have the pulse here to compare it to, its like night and day. Much more presence and warmth in the filter. The overdrive sounds much more natural, very cool cross modulations, lots of lowend (although the pulse also had good lowend). Envelopes are super snappy without annoying clicks all the time. No annoying volume drops when upping the resonance. Even the delay/reverb fx are very good. I’m really stoked about this one! I might do a video review on this unit soon, there is not much material available online as far as i can see, only some vids from its very early stages. Seems alot has changed since then…
I wanted to buy this unit soon. Looking forward to your review.
Thank you, SB-SIX
Ahh forgot to post it here, but you found it anyway
I thought I covered alot on this review but after a few more weeks I discovered even more cool features, like FM on the oscs, envelopes that can be retriggered with an lfo and more… This box is full of neat tricks!
2 short demos, many patches and patterns, 1 XENOPHONE, no overdubs, no external FX or external sequencing
Especially the drum & percussion sequence possibilities are quite amazing for a monosynth
This synth is so good
How much does it cost in general terms?
About $900-$1000 new