Hydrasynth from ASM

Thanks, Sofine.

Excuse me a minute… AAAAAAAAAARGH!


It would be nice if the stepped LFO could be pitch quantised.

From the demo I watched, it can be. I think they called it “semi-lock”, if I recall…


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Benn Jordan demoing the 1.5 update, i guess

I wonder if Jukka is ok. They’re usually on top of this stuff

Anyone using a Roli Seaboard Block with the HS through Bitwig? I cannot get PolyAT working at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It is not quantized in the scale. Semi-lock is just a simple way to set the right intervals for ± 12 semitones. So you can set the stepped LFO easily like that.

But if you have like a major chord stepped sequence/ arp in the LFO and press another key to transpose the sequence it will always play the major chord of the pressed key and therefor can be out of the scale.

Same happens when sequencing chords like that then you have chords that are out of scale.

I like the effect of the Step sequencer and love the fact it has 64 steps but I never use it with pitch because of the above reasons. It is not playable. So I just youse it as a massive modulation sequencer.

So yes quantize to the scale would be nice if transposing. But also the semi-lock work on other parameters like arp mode, wavescan So it snapped to the right wave immediately.

I should read the manual, but when I selected different tunings I did not hear any change, I guess I’m missing something.

The percentage of random is great, however I’m baffled, as after turning everything down to 0 percent it still made extreme adjustments. Must read the manual

I see.

Well, I can’t say that I personally suffer at the hands of such limitations, or really empathize with that plight. As an instrumentalist myself, I simply prefer to play any-and-all melodic content manually.

That said, I guess I’ve always assumed that the challenge (and therefore the fun) in writing with a step sequencer in mind, in fact lies in the choosing of intervals and ambiguous chords that might otherwise work when transposed within the context of the intended arrangement or composition.

I mean, do we really aspire to have the machine to everything for us? :wink:

I pose that only as a rhetorical/philosophical question, not a judgement.


There’s nothing wrong being an orchestra conductor with the Machines being the musicians. Of course keep a part to play Live.

I don’t disagree with that, but the context here is transposing a sequence on a single machine.

I mean, if you’re content to hit the keys manually to transpose said sequence, why not just play all the notes yourself?

Conversely, if you want the synth to do all the work, why not just sequence the entire melody from whatever other machine is babysitting the rest of your composition?

I like a good Berlin School arrangement, for example, but I would never presume to complain that the sequence is all in 8th notes. That’s the whole point really. As I said above, therein lies the challenge: i.e. you gotta be clever.

We’re talking about an LFO, for crying out loud. Now we need a “smart” LFO, else we’re stuck?


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Sorry, I just took these words off context. I should have quote them.

I guess you’re talking about the 1.5 update.

Looks like the sequencer you’re talking about is meant primarily for LFOs?

It an LFO, steppes, that can basically be used as a sequencer. You can define the depth of the steps up to 64 steps.

Yes and that is thrue indeed! Therefor I just use my Squarp to sequence them all. So it isn’t a big deal for me. It is just that they trie to implement a “step sequencer” in a LFO. It just stays an LFO.

I am not an instrumentalist like yourself so I can’t play every note myself! Would be nice though but to little time to learn.

So, no I am not stuck at all. It is a an LFO and it didn’t need the feature semilock imo.

I see. I also see there are limitations - according to the other posts here - which explains why the ASM guy does not play any note on the keyboard other than C

Actually, I’m more interested by the addition of Scala file support and new filter options. The LFO sequencer is a nice to have but more of a curiosity to me.

I type like shit :frowning:

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nah you’re all good. :joy:




  1. a large area of flat unforested grassland in southeastern Europe or Siberia.

:rofl: nice!

On Vacation.

(I like the update — good stuff ASM!)

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At-a boy!..vacation. Stay away till your back. Enjoy being away from it all.
Solid restraint there, appreciate that.

Enjoy the break :+1:t6:

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