Hydrasynth from ASM

I get it that they cannot CC every parameter, as there are simply too many of them (good!), and like I said, it’s great they endorse high-res MIDI (through the use of NRPN), also good.

But as a solution to all our immediate groovebox needs, I guess it would work if the macro’s would be controllable through CC aswell, and they could even be high-res (e.g. using CC 20-27 for MSB, and CC 52-59 for LSB if so required). Please @GDarcey?

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4 and a half minutes long.

This is probably the latest Hydrasynth video – all sound. It’s just preset patches, but well played – he matches playing style to the patch. From tritonrecordings. From October 6th.

Just a week and a half to November.

Love the look and the interface, but this thing still sounds thin and weedy to me, like a keyboard workstation from the 90’s.

I have Live but honestly just use it as a multitrack audio recorder - thus no experience w/ the rack macros.

Good luck with your deep wish.

just checked them. not really anything plucky or stabby there.

I heard something that sounded like plucks, and also something that sounded like mallet percussion. Also an electric piano sound. They’re all on the Soundcloud page

i don’t remember which specific tracks - there’s just too many of them.

you can get a drum-like sound or whatever on any synth that will let you dial a 0 attack on the envelope.

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Do you like the sound of the Argon8 better? Someone over on that thread posted that “it sounds a bit warmer than the hydrasynth.”

If not what recently released digital synth is your target sound? That gives a basis of listenable comparison.

I feel some synths are just deficient – and others are just not my cup o’ tea, though completely respectable. Fortunate the Hydrasynth falls into a third category for me.

Argon8 demos sound miles better IMO. This of course could be down to the demos themselves, but it seems the core oscillators and filters sound much beefier.
As far as digital synths I’ve personally played recently, I think the MicroFreak sounds better, as well as recent FM synths like the Digitone (my favorite) and Volca FM.
The Hydrasynth demos remind me specifically of synths like the M1 and SY85, that era of ROMpler keyboards… which I’m sure is great for many applications.

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It will be interesting to see what sort of package Arturia puts around their “MiniFreak” – you know they’ve got to have one in the development cycle. That definitely could be a competitor in this area.

One part (just a small part) of the Hydrasynth that i look forward to experimenting with is the FM mutants. Putting an FM mutant in combination with any other mutant, or two FM mutants together, on either of the two mutatable oscillators has me extra interested. Add to this doing FM with morphing wavetables has me hyped. I don’t know how much i’ve heard of this in the demos, i guess i like the demos in general, so what matters to me now is what happens when i apply my own experience directly to this synth.

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Ehsan Gelsi uploaded a jam with some Elektron gear and a Peak!


About your opinion, are you familiar with wavetable synths?

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Did some listening of the Hydrasynth and the Argon8 (Sonicstate).
The Hydra sub low sounds tight and under control (I like) mid sounds are ok and the high frequencies have sparkle.
The Argon8 sub low sounds a bit thickened and mid is also ok but the high frequencies sounding blurry.

What I miss in both is that real wavetable bite!

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this guy…


I played both at Synthfest the other week.
the Argon8 was very, very disappointing. The Hydrasynth almost convinced me to buy one. Almost.

( If I wasn’t only buying eurorack these days & wanted another actual synth then the ASM synth is the one I’d get )


Interesting, in what way was the Argon so disappointing?

Pete Midi in a sometimes boring video sets out to use what he analyzes to be three core features of the Hydrasynth for his analog synth setup and experiment. His judgement of the three core features (i have about twenty in mine) is wavescan, polyphonic aftertouch (which he calls poly-pressure) and the stereo audio signal path. He uses his singular collection from the equipment he owns to make some (not so) similar sounds, though it’s a worthy experiment.

There are Eurorack options to do any of whatever Hydrasynth feature you decide to do. It’s always fun to think about how to do whatever some piece of equipment allows you to do, in some other manner with the equipment you’ve got or acquire. It’s all a way to get an idea.

A for instance might be the Hydrasynth’s Threeler filter using three of your own filters.

The same applies if someone only works in the box. I’ve sometimes thought about this to simulate some aspects of the Quantum. (Thankfully i won’t have to do this with the Hydrasynth soon enough.)

Just wondering if Waldorf comes up with a new Blofelt XT version?
And Waldorf’s 30 Aniversary has software promos and saying “There is more to come - stay tuned!”…

Big video from Perfect Circuit!


25min-ish sounds like lots of clipping going on :confused:
Oof…just finished the vid. Disappointing vid. Hate those distorted spunds towards the end 35min. Brutal. Guess it cant do lush.

Video feels like they ordered too many and the pre-orders arent getting snapped up, and theyre really trying to push it. “Its just really fun to use” lacks any bit of enthusiasm.

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Ditto. I just have to try this one out!
I remember having read somewhere (or heard in a video?) that there is a feedback option in the oscillator section (sort of similar to the Mopho X4 circuit, although the latter in the analogue domain of course). Perhaps just my imagination?

And, wouldn’t the Theremin Mode be more properly called Martenot Mode? If the pitch bend wheel could be set to control the amp envelope, the ribbon could be used to play like an Ondes Martenot right? That would be very cool too!