Hydrasynth from ASM

Time to merge the two Hydrasynth threads?

Ah yes, HyLife, the “champagne of synths”


HSKB + HSE = only $100 more than HSDLX

Two timbres either way.
Four outputs either way.

But 86 keys vs 73 keys
Two filter knobs vs one
Two mod wheels vs one


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I’d love to see someone using all 8 performance macro knobs to good affect if anyone knows any good clips… in a typical set up what would 8 performance knobs even be assigned to?

Together again.


HS for them all. HSD, HSK.

For the Explorer
HSX has been suggested by @Tchu, or HSE ?

For the Deluxe ??
HSDLX, HS16, any other ideas.

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Figures that @HoldMyBeer would post this

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Someone should do a Summary table between the four;


Yea… ASM should!


Really impossible to say.

It depends on the performer and the patch. Skies the limit.

I think you mean specifically the custom set up Macros as opposed to the specific controls for everything else, 'cuz sometimes changing specific controls is useful too.

You can set the macros to control multiple things simultaneously, anything inside the HS – oscillators, mutants, mixer, filters, LFOs, Envelopes, the Arp, all of the FX, the ModMatrix, other Macros, or even controlling things external to the HS via CV, and MIDI CC.

So not much of a limit.

The problem for me is not setting up 8 useful Macros, it’s remembering them between patches. They can be so different.

I tried for a while to have a some similarity between patches, but abandoned that as not workable in practice, at least not for me.

So you can use all eight.


I prefer to use the macro assign feature as a way to group all the parameters I want simultaneous access to on a single page. So, most of the time, a single “macro” is only referencing a single parameter. Kinda like the Analog Four performance page. Can certainly use it to control multiple parameters from a single potentiometer, but for me it was more ideal for putting all the various things I wanted on one page, to avoid having to move around the menu. FWIW, I also use OT scenes similarly, often controlling a single parameter.


I was thinking the 4 on the explorer would probably be enough to handle but it sounds like they are capable of a lot more uses than I thought , that makes the decision which to get more difficult

I was thinking of mentioning the Explorer too.

I am pretty sure you still have eight, it is just that they are grouped 4 at a time and you Page up down to get all 8. I don’t think this would be a problem, you could think of it as two groups of 4 Macros.

The Hydrasynth is pretty amazing in that you can use patches across all 4 machines, with the only wrinkle being things that like the ribbon or something.

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… is for DESKTOP

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Just to point out the Explorer does have Chord Mode. ( See bottom page 19 of Explorer manual. )

That product comparison matrix would really help out.


That’s so 1984…

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Not. Why? It’s only us synthnerds who want abbreviations, so we can type faster on our effing tiny fake smartphone keyboards…

I think you misread the premise of the statement…

Ya know, like a comparison chart. Sequential style.

Im just surprised the Explorer is cheaper than the Desktop. Still side-eyeing a Hydrasynth Desktop for space savings.


Ah, ok. But the synthengine seems in all models identical. The only difference is the physical UI.