How to use Octatrack's Compressor after Analog Heat

Hello, my current setup is Octatrack with the 8th track as a master track main outputs going into Analog Heat’s inputs. I want to use the compressor of Octatrack after the wet signal of Analog Heat. Any ideas on how to achieve this?

Send everything to cue, cue outs to AH.
AH back in to OT, use OT mixer to Mix AH into OT compressor

Anything coming in to OT inputs will go through the T8 master fx.


So the OT Cue outs into AH inputs and AH outputs into OT inputs, did I get it right?


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Thank you!

How did you find it, would you really prefer the heat there instead of after the compressor? I would assume analog saturation would be better EOC than the digital compressor, no?

For me Heat after Octa’s compressor doesn’t work well. You lose lots of transients and dynamics. In other words you can’t use heats to it’s best. Currently I write all my samples in Ableton and master it with heat and some other stuff. So when I import them to the Octatrack I don’t have to use the Heat anymore and I am free to use Octa’s compressor.


Correct me if i’m wrong, but by owning these two, you basically don’t need to upgrade your AH to Heat FX?
With combination of OT thru and neighbor machines, you can set up Heat position in chain of OT effects as you wish.
Same that Heat FX offers, minus not such a necessary warble and bass to mono ones.