I have OT set up to sequence a Nord Drum 3P. Midi channel 1 for the kick, channel 2 for snare, channel 3 for hat etc.
I thought I’d be able to trigger these simultaneously with the T1-T8 sample/midi trig (Keys 9-16). But I can’t. If I put the trig mode into “chromatic” on the selected midi track (1-6) I can send notes to the Nord Drum fine, but I’d like to be able to enter a beat playing with my fingers multiple drums/channels at once.
The manual says something about “disconnected midi channels”, but I really can’t understand it.
Is there a way for me to hit trig key 9 and have midi track 1 send a note, and then to hit trig key 10 and have midi track 2 send a note? Pretty sure I’ve seen people do this on a digitakt.
Many thanks