How to set up DN with push 2 and overbridge?

I want to be able to use my push 2 to control the patches on my digitone via overbridge. I can play whatever sound is loaded into track 1 in the digitone, but if I switch to track 2 and press my push 2, it just plays the patch on track 1. how do I get the push 2 to follow the track I select on my digitone? I have to keep swapping the patch on track 1 to record new midi that I bounce to audio. Thank you.

Btw if I just press the keys/numbers on the digitone it’ll play the correct patch, but midi wise it sticks to playing the patch on track 1z

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Set the push to send midi to the Digitone over channel 10, which is the default auto channel on the Digitone.
You can change the Auto channel of the Digitone in the midi config menu. The auto channel essentially allows incoming midi to communicate with the currently active track on the Digitone.


FYI, DT is for Digitakt and DN is for Digitone. Tell us if Fin25 has solved the case. Welcome to the Forum.


U Need to use the auto channel and set the push to that channel then it will play the selected channel

thank you!

How do I set the push to channel 10? When I press the pads it goes anywhere from channel 14 to 16, but I think it’s on 16.

I don’t have a push so I’m not sure.
Go into the settings on the Digitone on the midi config menu, go to channels, scroll down and set the auto channel to 16, see if that works.

For some reason (not sure why) using the auto channel for program changes doesnt work as you might think. You need to specify a channel on which to transmit and receive .

So in my case, I use channel 16 on all machines. Works like a treat.

Disclaimer: I dont have Push or overbridge… or digitakt. But the above works with OT digitone and TR8-S.

So do I set the auto channel on the digitone to channel 16? I’m confused how this would look inside ableton and with my digitone. I’ve tried setting the digitone to channel 16 last night and it just kept playing the patch on track 1 despite being on track 2-3. If I press the keys on the digitone then it’ll play whatever patch with the correct track selected, but the second I try to use my midi keyboard or push it just plays track 1 sound.

I don’t own a Digitone but I assume the process will be very similar to the one I follow for my Digitakt.

  1. Drag the Overbridge Digitone VST to a new track in Ableton Live and check that your Digitone appears in the top left device dropdown in the Overbridge window.

  1. Add a new MIDI track in Ableton Live and in the I/O MIDI To menus, select 1-Digitone and 1-Digitone.

Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.39.51 Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.40.01

  1. Repeat step 2 for each of the 4 Digitone tracks, selecting 1-Digitone in each of the top MIDI To menu and 2-Digitone, 3-Digitone, 4-Digitone in the second menu of each track.

Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.45.28 Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.45.41 Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.45.53

  1. If you want to record separate audio from each track of you Digitone, create 4 audio tracks in Ableton and in the I/O Audio From menu select 1-Digitone and Track 1 L/-Digitone. Repeat this step for each audio track, selecting Track 2 L/-Digitone, Track 3 L/-Digitone…

Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.51.39 Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 21.55.56

It’ll be possible to achieve the same results directly via Push 2. Check out the following video on Audio/MIDI routing:


oh wow. thank you for this informative post! I’ll definitely try following this when I get home from work. appreciate it.

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You’re welcome.

@DaveMech made some great videos on Overbridge that you might find useful:

just followed the tutorial you posted earlier and everything works! tysm


Excellent. Glad it worked out.

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@jamesstiff is right, i have all my settings like that to use DN and DT on ableton.