How to sequence Moog Sub 37 via AK/AF CV/Gate outs?

BUMP … I’m very courious for an answer too … but I don’t have a Sub ( yet ) :joy:

Got my Sub 37 last week and was also facing some problems in the first. But I have to admit, manly due to my misunderstanding.

From what I understand, you also managed to get the gate set up properly. So you need to set CV-Pitch settings correctly.

First you should check, if you selected “V/Oct” ant the AK. Using “Hz/Oct” will lead to massive shifted tones on the Sub37.

Second big mistake I made was, I forgot how CV works. The CV Notes send from AK to Sub37 can be transposed using the keyboard of the Sub 37 e.g. you send C2-D2-E2 from AK via CV and press maybe D2 on the Sub37 you’ll get D2-E2-F#2.

That’s quite useful for live performance, but if you also send Midi-Notes from the Sub37 to the AK, you double this up somehow and get a massively shifted result. So be shure not to accept Midi notes on the CV-track from your Sub37.

If that’s working, go for the CV scaling procedure. Press C2 on the Sub37 and make shure you hear C2. From now don’t touch the Sub37!!!

Then select C2 on the AK in the scaling menu, select 0.000V and press OK. Change the voltage until you can hear C2 from the Sub37 by pressing OK on the AK. Then go to the second note and maybe select C4 and a voltage of 2.000V. Hit OK and change the voltage until you hear C4 from the Sub37. Now it should be in tune perfectly.

You can play the Sub 37 via the Keys of the AK. Now, if you hit any key on the Sub 37, the notes on the Sub37 should be transposed to C2. Hit C2 on the Sub 37 and everything should be in tune again. :slight_smile:


Now this is one of the most practical and clear explenations I’ve read until now … :+1:


Elektron Support | February 15, 2016 10:38:52 AM
Hi Jesse, There is a bug in the current firmware not triggering the GATE when pressing yes. This makes it difficult to set the correct values right now. The simplest workaround is to set Note1 to C5 Voltage1 to 0.000V and Note2 to C6, Voltage2 to 1.000V. Play C5 on the keyboard and change Voltage1 to tune to the closest C. After that play C6 on the keyboard and change Voltage2 until you tune that to the closest C(One octave above the previous C) as well. Hope this helps. Regards, Olle

thanks for your reply to my questions,

i will wait for an update (there is a bug apparently; see the reply I got from electron)

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Hello happy owners of the SUB37/AK combo,

I am a little lazy this morning, and had an heavy night yesterday, so I would like to avoid reading manuals, hence, can someone make me a favor and describe the settings to correctly drive the SUB37 via CV from the AK ?

Many thanks and sorry for my laziness, but CV is still a grey zone for me :smile:

Hi there,

i would like to sequence and control my sub37 with the great Sequencer from elektron.

But i have no idea how to do it.

in a perfect world iwould use the keyboard of the sub37 to play my A4,
but use the sequencer of the A4 to tell the sub what to do.

also in the chain my AR…
by the way is it possible to save in the A4 Project wich pattern from the A4 is connected with a pattern from the AR?

thanks for any help!


The Sub 37 has also a cv pitch in calibration, using 1 and 4V as reference. read the manual. CV in goes from 0 to 5 V.

So you could use use first note on AK/A4 as c3 with 1V and c6 with 4V.

hi, i want to cv control my moog sub 37 from a4 i can’t understand the manual please can someone help explain in a simple way…i just want basic sync and clock control so i can make baseline on a4 cv track which trigger sequences the moog.?

hi did you manage to figure out cv .i have a4 +sub 37 trying to cv i am getting sound but no note changes ?

Hi, my issue is not about the Sub but about the Minitaur and i think is related and same in here i cannot control Mini via CV pitch as well. Gate works normaly, but the pitch does not change minitaur at all, i tried to press YES and change the voltage in the menu, but tone from Mini remain same. Already sent the question to Elektron. I am hopping it is just SW issue and not something wrong with the HW.

Here are the stats :

User Error : 35%
Wrong Cable : 50%
Cable wrong way round : 15%
SW issue : 0%

All the discussions for all the CV synths are equally useful here and every permutation has been discussed - do a little search, then be methodical with the wisdom acquired

Is the cable really a splitter ?
Are the Tip / Ring going where you think ?
Are the settings for Gate and Pitch roughly as per the discussions ?
Have you opted for a Hz/V when you wanted V/Oct (also S-trig/V-Trig) ?

I am not sure if cv p in depnds on keyboard tracking settings, else you also need to check if cv p in is mapped to something else instead of pitch

Hi, thank you for your response, so i can list what i already went through :slight_smile:

  • cables are mono jack - it is mk2 version
  • same cable which works to trigger GATE was used for pitch, i tried to swap them to be sure that there is not the fault, GATE always works, neither Pitch
  • tried all settings what i found here even according to Moog manual (they recommend C1 to be 1V, C4 4V), but i tried the 0,355V and 2.446V from other users here…but the main issue is that when i try to change the voltage the tone remain same, it does not response to V change at all. the keyboard on AF4 plays same note on every trigger even the voltages are set like Note 1 - C1 - 1V, Note 2 - C4 - 4V, the keyboard plays still the same note on every key…
  • tried both Hz/V and V/Oct but Moog should be V/OCt anyway

…but to be completely honest with you, i did not have straight mono jack cable available so i am using mono jack-)XLR female-)male XLR -) mono jack, so according to your list of the main issues i will try to buy just plain mono jack on both sides. It confuses me that this works for gate trigger, but maybe maybe :wink:
This list is pretty obvious :slight_smile:
User Error : 35%
Wrong Cable : 50%
Cable wrong way round : 15%
SW issue : 0%

Did you watch this tutorial ? He explains it in detail:


Yes, i have seen this, but i have mk2 version, so separate CV outputs + i want to use signal back comming into FX track to save the normal track. But i am doing same steps but Minitaur just don´t change pitch when i am changing Voltage on AF4 mk2. :confused:

I think that XLR cable is causing you to lose your signal (maybe it’s put on ring instead of tip and then lost).
If you have a voltmeter you can see if the signal is making it out to the end easily…


Be aware that the newer moog synths only respond to positive voltages over CV, and that they add the cv to the last received MIDI note. If you send a negative voltage, OR the combined note value of the last received midi note + CV exceeds the high note threshold on the minitaur you will not hear a change in pitch, while everything is connected properly…

Ergo: play the lowest C thru MIDI to the minitaur before you send CV to it, and make sure you are playing an octave on A4 that sends out a positive voltage.

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Thank you, i am aware of this, i did it, i played the note via USB from Logic and after this the octave changed on AF4 via CV, but still AF cannot transpose it. Anyway thank you all, i had response from Olle, so i will send him the video of the issue and he will advice me more i believe. Anyway it looks like i am only focusing on this, but what i want to point out the AF4 mk2 + Minitaur is KILLER combo :slight_smile: instant techno for life :wink: Apart this CV struggle i am more than happy with the instrument!

Hi, just want to give a tip maybe for others as we finaly make the CV output of AF4 mk2 controling Minitaur CV in, the settings which worked for me was CVA ( of course if you choose A+B outputs) - GATE V-trig 5.0V and CVB - Pitch V/oct Note1 C 1 - 0.000 V, Note 2 C5 4.000 V, after that press first C3 on AF keyboard. After that everything works flawlessly at least for me.