I know I can remove trigless locks, but what if I have several parameters automated and want to erase only one of them? Can’t find the answer in the manual.
Whilst in Live recording, i.e. red light flashing, hold down the encoder & press no. This will clear all plocks for that parameter.
To just clear a single plock, in normal trig mode, red light not flashing, hold the trig button & press the corresponding encoder.
Thanks man!
Unless I’m doing something wrong, It seems you have to hold this button combination for the length of the time you would like things erased. Does anyone know of a way to clear all parameter locks of a track all at once?
I can only think of No/Reload + Mute, which will reload the Sound to the last saved state
So I read all this and came to the same conclusions. Although while trying things out I stumbled on the ability to press
trig/synth/sample/filter + play-clear but have no idea what this actually does?
It responds with “clear page trig” or “clear page flt” but seems to do nothing at all?
I thought it just clear all parameter lock on a page but that is not the case, can someone explain this one?
Could not find it in the manual, thanks a bunch!
It resets the corresponding page to defaults.
ahhhh ofc, tnx
If you press the combo again it will undo the clear, this can be used as a performance feature for variations…
I want to add for anyone else who is looking for this (it isn’t clear in the manual either):
Whilst in live recording mode, you have to FIRST hold down NO/RELOAD and THEN press and hold down the encoder, and while you are holding these down it will only delete the parameter locks on trigs played by the sequencer while you are holding them down. It doesn’t delete all parameter locks on the track in the sequence in a single press. You have to in effect ‘record’ over the recorded parameter locks with ‘no parameter lock’.
Took me a while to figure this out.
The manual also says
‘To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNCTION] + [NO/RELOAD]’
But it isn’t clearly stated that it will only remove parameter locks in the sequence that are played through while holding down these buttons. I guess they assume people will know that.
The manual also says
‘To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNCTION] + [NO/RELOAD] ’
But the manual is INCORRECT. This only removes parameter locks for the currently selected track !!
I hate it when a manual leads me astray. The RYTM is confusing enough already!
Says the same in the AK manual too (noticed the ‘all tracks’ error last week while going through commands for a sticker I’m making) so I assume it’ll need to be changed in all manuals.
I just tried this ( the Func + No method ) and it reloaded my pattern, losing a lot of work…
What could I have done wrong?