How to connect PO 33 KO to Syntakt

Hey folks,

Do you know, if possible, how to connect a Teenage Engineering PO 33 KO to a Syntakt to be able to sequence on Syntakt the sounds from the PO?

I’ve achieved this kind of thing before with a TRs 8, so for every note I clicked on syntakt it would play the note I had on TRs. But in this case both have midi ports.

On PO we have a weird output port that I’m not sure it works as a TRS as its input port does.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hi and welcome!

Short answer, no. Your question got me hoping for a reason to pull out my PO-33, though, as I thought it might at least be possible to use the DIN Sync functionality on Syntakt, with PO in [checks manual] SY2 sync mode. I was able to sync it from a Keystep CV clock out (synced to 1 pulse per beat, using a TRS cable), but none of the THRU port sync modes in the midi menu worked for Syntakt, for either standard of MIDI to TRS (A/B) … I think the PO doesn’t take the DIN standard (24/48ppq) or midi, unless someone else knows better.




@Hawk I was also thinking about that midi adapter…

Possible to trigger POs with CV, I did it with Analog Four.

I synced POs with Octatrack, sending them a pulse sound.
With Syntakt I’d try Impulse machine (analog tracks).
Hard pan left or right.
Mono use.

The minijack TRS output ? What’s weird about it ?
There are different modes for sync, for input and output.

Check manual to set PO as slave, find a minijack to 2 mono 6.35 jacks adapter and you’re good.

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Thanks for your reply, @Humanprogram! Yeah, I know that there’s a way to do it with Octactrack with sound routing but couldn’t find out if there’s a way to do it with Syntakt. 🫤

Thanks Hawk! I have come across this device but couldn’t find a dealer in Portugal. Do you deliver to Portugal?

Thanks @sezare56! To me what’s weird is that it doesn’t seem to work as a TRS MIDI output. I tried all SY modes but couldn’t find one that works. That’s the kind of how-to I was hoping to get here. If you how to do it, would you mind giving me the steps or pointing me to a source (written tutorial or video) that could potentially help me to achieve that?

Hanz Tech delivers in Portugal apparently.
Best solution imho.

No midi, just audio and sync click.

I should try with the PO33 but my screen is brocken, I can’t see sync modes…

Basically you have to send an Impulse signal from an ST audio output to PO33 input, SY2 sync mode. You need a minijack Y cable. I don’t know if sync signal is on the right or the left, try both.

Maybe @Humanprogram can try it too ?

Caveats : you loose 1 channel, mono use.

Thanks @sezare56!

Basically you have to send an Impulse signal from an ST audio output to PO33 input, SY2 sync mode. You need a minijack Y cable. I don’t know if sync signal is on the right or the left, try both.

Ok. I do have the Y cable. So, I can plug it in SY2 and just pan to L or R on Syntakt and it should work? :grinning:

It should. Impulse signal have to be loud.

In SY4 mode, one side is SYNC the other one is incoming audio.

@scarlett check Sync modes below. Hard to test for me : my bpm button doesn’t work ! :zonked:

It works. :wink:
I needed an alligator to trigger bpm button and I chose sync mode blindly (dead screen).

IMPULSE machine (analog track)
One trig each 2 steps
Set to max these parameters :
Track LEV
SYN page VEL, DEC and LEV

Sync signal is on the left.
Use SY2 for sync only, SY4 if you want Syntack to pass thru PO33.

ST Main Volume above 10 o’clock

Press PO33 play to arm/restart

(P033 speaker)


Just bear in mind, this won’t work.

The best you can do is sync the PO to the Syntakt.

However, you’re losing stereo output on the Syntakt (and losing 1 track? I don’t own a Syntakt).

Personally, I’d just set the BPM’s the same and start them simultaneously. Then nudge the tempo etc to keep them in time. It works fine and actually opens the door to a few tricks.