I just want to confirm that this is possible and not a headache before purchase…
I work in logic , so I just want to midi the A4 up and use 4 midi tracks in logic to send notes to the A4’s 4 audio patches, or 4 note chords to the A4 once it has poly update.
Easy peasy - using logic’s sequencer to control the A4 is not going to be half as much fun as the internal one, but yeah, it does this simple stuff no bother
yep sure, oscillator pitches & filter frequencies support hi-res controllers.
you can control any synth param via MIDI CC/NRPN, and also the performance macros (not hi-res though).
One last question, when selecting patches, can you just scroll like on most synths and the patches change as you go?
or do you have to select/load each one to preview it?