How does this Digitakt user on YouTube get such a great sound/mix?

I saw that video a while ago. As a Digitakt user, I wondered which settings might help me to get a 50Hz/100Hz low-cut. I tried using a 100Hz sine and played with the base parameter of the 2nd filter to locate the right settings. Unfortunately, the rolloff doesn’t seems to be very steep. I think the 100Hz sine started to progressively dissapear somewhere between 50 and 70 (filter base settings).

Is there a chart somewhere with the exact frequencies & rolloff ?

seems to have it on page 2

Yes, I saw that document. I might have to get it. Has it been updated to the latest OS update ?

@DaveMech said he’s going to update it soon, now that he’s got the Digitone one out.

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Everything on the sheet is relevant. The OS update has not changed this :slight_smile: but yeah a v2 is coming within the next few weeks or so.

It’s free though ( or pay what you want) so no risk involved


One of the most important rules imo in getting a clean mix is letting each sound have its own space within the frequency spectrum, and especially the low end where the frequencies have more dynamics.

Use your ears. When things start to sound ‘flabby’ it means your getting that muddiness that generally isn’t desirable for a clean mix.