How do you protect your AK when not in use?

has Elektron said anything about releasing a dust cover/lid like the other machines have? I just got my AK, I currently throw a towel over all my synths to limit dust, but I’m terrified that with the keys floating free like they do one day I’ll come home to find a cat has jumped up on my desk/AK and snapped some keys off…

aside from keeping everything in a closed room when I’m not around it, does anyone do anything to give some extra protection to their AK just in case something happens?

I always put it back in my Gator TSA 49 case…

I got a cat too, but he prefers sleeping on the microKORG’s bag :smiley:

I’m sure a towel will be fine. How big is the cat that you are worried about it “snapping” keys off? I pound on mine way harder than a cat could with no issues or fear. I think they just seem flimsier than they are, because you can really abuse them.

Oh, and there’s a thread over on Gearslutz about a guy who is gonna make some custom dust covers, could be an option…