How do you make warm soft analog sounds on Digitone?

general rules for getting “analog-like” feel are

  • use A/B mix to add some sub (people ten connect lower spectrum in sound with analog synths
  • apply feedback to the point you get slight noise (a hain noise is always connecte dwithnanalog synths)
  • use LP2 a lot :slight_smile:

This pack!

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Also oscillator sink’s free patch pack sounds nice

Edit: also, put the Digitone through the Syntakt analog FX block!!

i leave mine in the sun for a bit :sun_behind_small_cloud:


I made many warm “analog” sounds for Digitone, because i think this synth is can do.


This got me thinking, are there any other packs that approach the amazing ambient softness of Haunted Hearts?

Just found this one

cant remember for sure, but check this pack

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IMO, these Geometry packs are essentials if you want a shortcut to analog-like ear candy on the Digitone. I will go so far to say that the majority of these sounds, ESPECIALLY in the first pack, sound like excellent preset patches you would find on a variety of good analog synths.

The second pack is, of course, fantastic as well, but maybe not as “bread and butter” with the base analog sounds? Pack two seems to add to interest and complexity in the patches. Both packs are very complementary because of the seeming focus on certain types of sounds in each pack. You don’t get a lot of rehash of pack 1 on pack 2, which is great. This is just my interpretation.

One thing I really appreciate is that many of these patches already have some inherent analog-sounding imperfections baked in. Getting that combination of girth, clarity AND ever-so-slight variability sounding just right makes many of these patches fine substitutes if you don’t have real analog handy, or even want to get into some FM weirdness from an analog sound base.

And being able to get totally weird with FM, polyphony, AND to get some convincing VA sounds all on the same box, with up to 4 tracks, really opens things up. I can more often get away with, say, just a Digitakt/Digitone pairing without always wanting to break out a real analog as a third piece. Smaller is better, especially if I’m dragging this stuff around for a live performance.

Regarding the Geometry packs, I find myself getting lost in just playing some of these patches, no intent to write or record, just playing for fun. This is especially true of the large selection of washy ambient leads, pads, arpeggiated patches and more that come with these packs.

Fantastic stuff that shows off the Digitone’s flexibility as a worthy VA when put in the right sound design hands.


Which Geometry packs are you talking about?

How are you searching the forum?


If you go to the “Transistor Digitone” video above in YouTube, which is a demo of both of these packs together, there are links to the individual packs in the description. That’s what I meant by “these packs” in reference to the video.

For your convenience, I have copy-pasted the links.


It’s funny because using that link only produces a few posts all made in the last 6 hours on this topic. So it seems like they have not been discussed in the forum before.

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I thought he was referring to something earlier in the thread and I went through the last 50 posts or so and didn’t see it, so I thought i’d ask. Sorry, i forgot that always bugs you.

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That’s awesome, man. True Elektronaut, you are!!

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I purchased the Geometry packs on Bandcamp, but I can’t find the download links for the Sysex files. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Edit: found it.

Are there other kinds of sounds? I checked the videos and these washy pads put me off. They do sound good, but I prefer more defined sounds.

Eh? I get this:

The top hit is an entire thread dedicated to those sound packs, and the third hit is the specific post about them in the “[Definitive list] Digitone Sound Packs & more” thread.

Edit: oh weird, if I left-click @PeterHane’s link then it only shows hits from this thread. If I right-click to open in a new tab, I get the results in the screengrab above.

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I suppose we can all agree that the people who write “don’t you know how to use the search function?” should at least be able to use it themselves. Saying nothing, which is what my grandma would advocate, is a great option.


I would process it with some tape saturation or distortion, hardware or Software will both be fine. For me DN on its own always sounds like a DN. And damn, it’s so good at it. If you want warm analog sound you might want to opt for a dedicated synth for that.

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I really like some of the warm sounds I get from my DN (I fall into some super fuzzy thick stuff sometimes) but the challenge I often have is that creating these sounds can often eat up the 2 LFO’s, leaving you with no real modulation sources. It’s always a disappointment when I select a lush preset and find that they’re already used up, that should be illegal.

If wish the DN had more LFO’s :cry:

I know it would be sort of blasphemous but a cool thing for a future DN update would be to have machines that cover basic waveshapes - that bake some of that stuff in (i.e. pitch warble etc.) - it could still use the FM engines etc. I don’t expect it not to, but it could present a slightly different interface that makes working with those sounds more intuitive, and also harder to immediately break into glassy territory if you tweak the wrong setting slightly. I always feel like this guy when I’m sound designing on the DN:

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 15.37.34

But I appreciate that’s asking for something it isn’t, so I’m not sure that’s really all that likely. In some ways that’s what a Syntakt is…