It doesn’t show on the screen on startup. I’m desperate to call patterns by programme change over MIDI from my OT - everyone keeps telling me it’s possible but it doesn’t work for me. Do I need to upgrade the OS? Bought the machine about 2 months ago!
For a half of a second, it shows up on the startup screen the one wih “e” logo, just before it changes to “analog four” logotype. the version number is in the lower right corner of that screen.
I obviously blink a lot when I power the thing up! Never spotted that. I’ll try again tonight. Thanks mantiwhore:)
Each time I’ve started up the A4 since the last post I’ve tried to read the version number on the screen. Just can’t read it!
@moderators - revealing the OS version for a couple of seconds on start up would be a worthwhile change in a future release
Strange but maybe older version didn’t have the number displayed on startup? No idea – but why not just update your A4 with the latest, 1.06 OS?
I mean for longer than a millisecond I shall upgrade the thing when I get a free evening. I sing in choirs as well as making horrid squeaky electronic noises, and there’s the small matter of the Proper Job - most inconvenient.
On a PC, In Transfer app, once connected, you can see current version and if you need to update in upper left.