How AR could be the best drummachine ever

Well, that’s a bit of a statement since I guess to current standards it already is the most versatile at the moment (i had the Tempest, know what it can and can’t do and yes I sold it).

Hear me out:
I saw the scene function as it is now and imagined a new sequencer trick named scene trigs. These are trigs wich will only fire on a track when the scene button is pressed. much like the arming of trigs on the OT. These trigs are just triggers and don’t need parameters locks since they are programmed in the scene. With this functionality you can create 12 different scenes AND fills at the same time. I guess this is a wet dream come true for all live artist. If you would also be able to mute normal trigs using the scene button, then it would be even more great.

Maybe it’s much easier being said then done, but how about it Elektron? Go and make my day! :+1:

Really interesting Thought !

yeah i made this suggestion as well in an other thread somewhere. It would be sick. Like another level of sequencing…

That would be insanely good, but even without that you can get some of the same feel with the smart use of retrigs in a scene.

The scene sequencing looks fabulously implemented… god don’t make me want one…

too late

Do you mean you can sequence the scenes themselves too? That would be insane! :+1: :alien:

Do you mean you can sequence the scenes themselves too? That would be insane! :+1: :alien:
That’s what I do on my Octatrack, sending the scene selection and slider values from Cirklon.

this is speculative but given that I am familiar with all the Elektron machines and that I love Techno music its not “could” but will without a doubt be.

Hmm for me it is about the sounds and interface rather than features, the 808 is still by far my favourite drum machine, closely followed by the 606 and Machinedrum UW. I like all these because they are fun to use and sound great. The Machinedrum UW whilst not the most immediate gratification box, is like a swiss army knife with all the things it can do and its extensive synthesis.

I am waiting for some demos of the analog section alone before I get tempted by the AR, but I’m not in any rush.

I think it was extremely cool to see how Dataline was all over the machine, at all times, pushing the live use of scenes really hard. For live use, making it come to life, the use of Scenes is definitely powerful.
For a starter i think it’d make sense to at least support scene changes in song mode.

This is actually how I thought scenes on the OT actually worked… until I learned what scenes were and was instantly bummed out.

If it sounds good it will surely be the best drum machine available now at the very least.

I thought I was happy with my tanzbar and vermona drm. Well I am, particularly sound quality wise, but I’m going to have to get this.

If it matches those two for sound quality, or complements them, then yes it’ll be a contender for best ever.

Sequencing, sound sculpting, sample loading, nice!

I’m really pleased with mine :slight_smile:

I’d’like to have this option:

When step-recording an HH sequence, the possibility to maintain the trig pushed and hit CH or OH pad to write both sequence in the same time.
Bcause thos sound are usually interacting.

Same kind of interaction would be possible fore other track, or all track perhaps?

When people say they know the tempest inside and out

if they would be so kind to up some egs of them finding the limits

then I or we would know just how skilled they are.

Could be the best in the world or the biggest buffoon ever on a drum machine

that would then give some cred to what they say or not.

Yes, more fill-in capabilities coupled to the scenes! Sound variations are great already, but please allow some modifications on the fly about the trigs on the tracks too…

I am thinking about an option to couple another pattern from the current project to each scene and then additionally have a flag for each track if this designated fill-in pattern would take priority for it when this scene is locked.

Kind of intermixing of two different patterns on a track per track base, triggered by a scene.

It should fire immediately together with the parameter changes programmed in the scene.