Holding a trig key affects decay on notes played through MIDI?

Hey folks, first time poster here.

I have an issue that’s a bit weird to describe, and i’m not sure it’s a bug with the syntakt itself or if it’s an option to deactivate somewhere, and i was hoping to get some help on it because it’s a bit limiting for live jamming situations.

Basically in my usual setup I have other devices (most of the time a Conductive Labs NDLR, but i also tried it with a Novation Circuit, and the results are the same) sending MIDI signals into a channel on the Syntakt in order for it to play the bass, while i’m tinkering with the knobs and buttons to create the rhythm to go with it.

However, I realized that if I hold a trig button (for instance to change its probability, or it’s pitch, or anything else basically), for some reason the bass note in the background decays really fast instead of playing in its entirety.

Here’s a video to explain my issue better: document_5886327888340325896.mp4 - Google Drive

Any ideas about what might be the reason and how to fix that? It’s a bit annoying in live situations :confused:

Thanks a lot!

Welcome @futureismeow.
Seems like it applies current LEN value for all notes, isn’t it ?
Did you try to change this value ?

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ahhh that was a good call, but alas i just tried changing the note length (both the “default” and the one in the trig i’m holding) to higher values up to INF and it still did the thing :frowning:

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You can write to support.

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