[font=Times New Roman","serif]cygnus
[font=Times New Roman","serif]i have a sample that is longer than 64 steps. is there a way i can play the entire thing and also have it loop ? if not then do i need to make another trig on a pattern and somehow arrange for the sample to begin where the last one left off>??
also; if i have all 8 tracks used up with samples loaded, do i need to switch projects before i can load new samples onto those tracks? for example; all 8 tracks have samples loaded on them, and i have actually 40-50 more samples and i want to be able to load a pattern on the fly that uses an all new sample “set” . plz helps
[font=Times New Roman","serif]Hy cygnus,
depending on your way of “composing” there are several ways to do what you describe.
I think the easiest way would be the following:
- Fill your slot list with the samples you like to loop (static or flex machine, for longer samples static machines are well suited, since their length is not limited by the available RAM, only by the capacity of your CF-Card)
- Select an empty pattern
- Use Function + Arrow down to select play mode “slot”
- Select one of the 8 tracks by tapping on it (by default they probably are all using static machines, which is fine)
- Start your first sample-loop by hitting a trig-button - it starts playing and looping
- Select another of the 8 tracks
- Start your second sample-loop by hitting a trig button - it starts playing and looping
Repeat step 4 and 5 if you want up to 8 samples looping together.
Change the activited samples by hitting a different trig-button (in slot-mode).
With the described method you would not need any pattern going. Probably you even do not need the sequencer running at all. You can just “play” your loops live, by activating them with manually with the trig-buttons.
However, if you want them to start at a defined time in sequence, you can program trigs in your pattern. One-shot-Trigs are well suited to set the start of your looping-action. Regular trigs will restart the loop in sync depending on the sequencer-movement.
But: It is also easy to combine sequenced patterns with manual live action, e.g. by “freeing” some tracks from the sequencer (by selecting plays-free-mode within the pattern-menu).
So, in principle, there are at least three ways to do what you described:
a) without sequencer running (you just do not need it running, to start a sample)
b) controlled and synced by the pattern-sequencer
c) with some tracks synced by sequencer and some started (played) manually.
Another thing: You say:
[font=Times New Roman","serif] “i want to be able to load a pattern on the fly that uses an all new sample “set” .”
[font=Times New Roman","serif]
A new “set” means you would have to load a new project, if by “set” you mean the “slot-list” of the static or flex machines.
[font=Times New Roman","serif]However, if you just want to have a pattern, that uses certain samples from your list, this is easy and you do not need a new project for this. Just use trigs in your pattern. Any trig can play any sample from you slot-lilst. Just “hold” the trig and select your sample from the list by using the “level-knob” (this is called “sample lock” and is tdecribed in the manual, page 89).
With “sample lock” you chose the sample on a per-trig-basis. But the “default” sample of a track is still defined by your “part”-setting. That means, you must change part if you want the “default” sample of a track to be changed. Parts can be assigned to patterns … so with for example by changing from pattern 01/part 1 to pattern 02 (with part 2 assigned to pattern 02) it would be possible what you asked …
[font=Times New Roman","serif]Sounds complicated? Not at all. You just have to experiment(!) to find your preferred way of doing things with the OT.
[font=Times New Roman","serif]Have fun!